- enlightened political economy 启蒙国民经济学
- Her name has been put up for the Political Economy Study Group. 她已被提名为政治经济学学习小组成员。
- He read a few books on political economy. 他读了几本关于政治经济学的书。
- An evidently more enlightened political and social environment should also help. 一个更开明的政治与社会环境自然是不可少的。
- The tectonic plates of the world's political economy are shifting. 世界政经体系的地壳正在移动变位。
- This book deals with questions of Political Economy. 这本书是讲述政治经济问题的。
- This book deals with questions about Political Economy. 这本书讲的是政治经济问题。
- It's call political economy because it have nothing to do with either politics or economy. 其所以被称为政治经济学者,是因为与政治或经济均无丝毫关系也。
- What Does Political Economy Tell us About Economic Development- and Vice Versa? 政治经济学与经济发展:关系及启示?
- Nicholas Eberstadt is the Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy at AEI. 但是,这不应该让奥巴马总统停止针对其它地区存在的问题做出决策。奥巴马总统和他的团队不得不处理直接来自对外政策的挑战,像与以色列与哈马斯之间的冲突,印巴的紧张局势和逐渐升温的伊朗核危机。
- He explained scientifically the most important questions of political economy. 他科学地阐述了政治经济学中的一些最重要的问题。
- Mill,Principles of Political Economy Cin two volumes,longman,London,1871. 英)马歇尔.;经济学原理(上卷)[M]
- One of the great "Laws" of political economy is comparative advantage. 政治经济其中一个伟大“法则”是相对优势。
- The political economy responds to the new ages concern for ecology and for the quality of human living. 政治经济学对于新时代所关心的生态学和人类生活的质量是有所建树的。
- One that studies, advocates, or makes use of Karl Marx's philosophical or socioeconomic concepts as a method of analysis and interpretation, as in political economy or historical or literary criticism. 马克思主义者,马克思主义追随者研究、推广马克思主义或在政治经济学、历史或文艺批评等领域利用马克思的哲学或社会经济学概念进行分析或阐释的人
- He explained scientifically the most important questions of socialist political economy. 他科学地阐述了社会主义政治经济学中的一些最重要的问题。
- How can I enlighten your wooden head? 我怎么才能让你这木头疙瘩开窍呢?
- The Wealth of Nations is the germinal book of modern economics or political economy. 《国富论》是现代经济学或政治经济学的创始著作。
- Political economy,lastly,relates to the interests of all nations,to human society in general. 归根到底,政治经济学所研究的是一切国家的利益,是全体人类社会的利益。
- Political economy finds itself called on to help public opinion do some thing toward improving manifest evils. 政治经济学应该帮助舆论做些事情来改善一些明显的弊