- It is necessary to enlighten the ignorant . 必须教化愚昧的人。
- It is necessary to enlighten the ignorant. 必须教化愚昧的人。
- It is necessary to enlighten the ignorant 必须教化愚昧的人。
- We are caught between the ignorant and the cynical. 我们夹在无知的和冷眼旁观的这两种人中间。
- This book will enlighten the reader. 这本书将会启发读者。
- Custom is the guide of the ignorant. 习俗是无知者的向导。
- enlighten the ignorant 启发无知者
- Science has no enemy but the ignorant. 科学的敌人是愚昧无知。
- Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge. 不是无知本身,而是对无知的无知,才是知识的死亡。
- Future dream. The eternal power to enlighten the road. 未来的梦想。这是照亮前程永恒的力量。
- The chiefs led the ignorant masses by the ears after them. 那些酋长任意支配那些无知的群众,使他们惟命是从。
- Radio should enlighten the listener as well as entertain him. 无线电广播既要使听众得到娱乐也要使他受到教育。
- He drummed two injunctions into the mind of the ignorant. 他向愚昧无知的人群谆谆教诲两条诫命。
- ONN photoelectricity : Green light , Enlighten the word! 欧恩光电:绿色之光,点亮全球!
- He drummed two injunctions into the minds of the ignorant. 他向愚昧无知人群谆谆教诲两条诫命。
- The wise create chances, while the ignorant let them go. 智者创造机会,无知者却放掉机会。(郁宗)
- Now, the erring child is the corollary of the ignorant child. 因此愚昧儿童的结局必然是当流浪儿童。
- A few devoted doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession. 一些富有献身精神的医生奋斗了多年来发展这一专业。
- Only the ignorant man becomes angry;the wise man understands. 无知的的人变的愤怒;智慧的人懂得理解.
- It was an elite that believed its task was to enlighten the multitude. 这些精英人物认为自己的职责就是启迪群众。