- Abnormal enlargement of the breasts in a male. 男子女性型乳房男性胸部的异常增大
- With the constant enlargement of the scope of enterprise and drastic competition in the market, for executive, how to obtain correct information and make corresponding decision, this is an urgent and complicated subject. 随着企业规模的不断扩大,市场竞争的不断加剧,企业的运营/分析层如何把正确的信息、在正确的时机、提供给相应的决策层,以及决策层如何及时准确地获得必要的决策参考信息等问题将成为一个紧迫而复杂的课题。
- He's working on the enlargement of the business. 他正在努力扩展业务.
- The reforms of enterprises are now at the critical moment. 现在企业的改革正处在紧要关头。
- Abnormal enlargement of the liver. 肝肿大肝脏的不正常的肿大。
- The enlargement of city endanger the mild animals. 市区的伸展危及到了野生动物。
- I'm sending mother an enlargement of the baby's photograph. 我正在寄一张婴儿的放大照片给母亲。
- He embarked full fling in all sorts of enterprises. 他不顾后果地在各种企业投资。
- Q: How do you view the merging of enterprises? 问:怎样看待企业的兼并、合并?
- I'm sending mother an enlargement of the baby's photo. 我给母亲寄张小宝宝的放大的照片。
- If you like the picture I can send you an enlargement of it. 如果你喜欢这照片,我可以给你寄一张放大的。
- Research on internal control of enterprises II. 企业内部控制研究2。
- As a result, the initiative of enterprises withers. 企业没有积极性了。
- Chiefly the enlargement of the heart broadens the horizon of life. 生活的地平线是随着心灵的开阔而变得宽广的。
- The clinical research on the enlargement of application of MED. 后路显微椎间盘镜手术系统扩大运用的临床研究
- Quality is in the vitality of enterprises. 本着质量是企业的生命力。
- A localized thickening and enlargement of the horny layer of the skin. 鸡眼,老茧皮肤角质层的局部增厚和增大。
- He get the job because he show the spirit of enterprise. 他因为表现出进取精神,所以得到了这份工作。
- The transfer of and changes in property rights of enterprises. 产权划转和产权变动。
- Chronic enlargement of the gland occurs with tumors. 腺体慢性肿大的起因是肿瘤。