- For the laminar flow, the maldistribution of flow and temperature will enlarge gradually. 层流范围内,随着雷诺数的不断增大,流量分配和温度分布不均匀度都逐渐增大。
- The global economic postpones regarding international to do the bulk cargo market the negative effect to enlarge gradually. 全球经济放缓对于国际干散货市场的负面效应正在逐步加大。
- Just like a deteriorated apple, there is a little spot at first, then enlarge gradually, until it is rotten to the core. 就像一个变质的苹果一样,总是先有一个小小的斑点,然后慢慢扩大,最后整个苹果都烂掉。
- This year the 13th strong typhoon Senlake the influence is enlarging gradually to our province. 今年第13号强台风“森拉克”对我省的影响正逐渐加大。
- In the improved secondary forests, the zokor density enlarged gradually, and decreased with the raise of shade density gradually. 次生林改造后林地鼢鼠密度逐渐增大,达到最高以后随着林分郁被度的加大,鼢鼠密度逐渐降低。
- In recent years, teenager's crime rate enlarges gradually, and among them nonage crime absolute number and deliver the opposite ratio of case to all rise obviously. 近年来,青少年犯罪率逐步增大,且其中未成年人犯罪绝对人数及发案相对比率均上升明显。
- The height and width of both the large plica and projection formed by the follicle-associated epithelium(FAE) enlarged gradually,the same as the lymphoid follicle area a. 结果:随日龄增长,腔上囊绝对质量逐渐增高;腔上囊生长指数21日龄达最高;黏膜大皱褶高、宽度、淋巴滤泡面积、皮质宽度均不断增加;小结相关上皮向腔面形成突起,并不断增高增宽。
- Could you enlarge upon your suggestion? 你能不能详细谈谈你的建议。
- Let me enlarge on this basic theme. 让我进一步阐述一下这个基本主题。
- In these years, because of the people's enhancive consciousness of epidemic prevention, the demands of drygoods with functions of antibacteria, sterilization were enlarged gradually. 近年来,由于预防疾病意识的增强,人们对具有抗菌、杀菌功能纺织品的需求逐渐增大。
- Area of the Fabricius lobules enlarges gradually, the same as cortical thing and medullary thing of the Fabricius lobules.These characteristics were useful for strengthening the immune function. 法氏囊淋巴滤泡面积逐渐增大,皮质部和髓质部的面积也增大,淋巴细胞增多,免疫能力加强。
- I planned to enlarge this photograph. 我计划放大这张照片。
- While “China decelerates” anticipated enlarges gradually, in 2009, will puzzle China the inflation to vanish, the Chinese economy will present surplus and the deflation risk instead is enlarging. 随着“中国减速”的预期逐步加大,2009年,困扰中国的通货膨胀将消失,中国经济出现过剩和通缩的风险反而在加大。
- I'd like to enlarge a photograph. 我想放大一张照片。
- Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential. 周围的农田渐渐变成了住宅区。
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。
- Can you enlarge on what has already been said? 你能把所说的事再详尽地说说吗?
- The rain lessened gradually and gave over at last. 雨渐渐小下来,终于停止了。
- I asked the photographer to enlarge the picture. 我请摄影师把那张照片放大。
- Could you enlarge upon your plan? 你能否详细谈谈你的计划?