- China's arts and crafts enjoy a high reputation abroad. 我国的工艺美术品蜚声海外。
- It enjoys a high reputation in China and abroad. 它在国内外享有盛名。
- In Guiyang region enjoyed a high reputation. 目前在贵阳地区享有极高声誉。
- Innumerable restaurants across the country dubiously claim they sell "genuine" Lanzhou-made beef noodles which enjoy a high reputation. 兰州牛肉拉面在国内享有盛誉,因此各地打着"正宗兰州拉面"招牌的店不计其数。
- Our company mainly export many kinds of LED and solar energy products to occident, South American and many other countries.We enjoy a high reputation abroad. 这几年欧美市场上LED照明产品和显示产品的需求量很大,我们经常接到客人对此类产品的询盘和订单。
- Buyers are always influenced by the packages. Your silks enjoy a high reputation in the world market. You can compete successfully in a good many commodities if you pack the goods properly. 顾客总是受到包装的影响,你们的丝绸在世界市场上声誉很好,如果包装得好,在很多商品上你们会有更强的竞争力的。
- We strive to offer only the best quality, reasonable prices, fast delivery, truehearted partnerships and satisfying services, which ensure us enjoy a high reputation from our customers worldwide. 我们力求只提供最好的质量,合理的价格,交货快,truehearted伙伴关系和满意的服务,以确保我们享有很高的声誉从我们的全球客户。
- Our leather bags have enjoyed a high reputation in the European market. 我们的皮包在欧洲市场有很好的口碑。
- He is a piano player, and enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad. 他是蜚声海内外的钢琴演奏家。
- He earned a high reputation for his learning. 他在学识方面享有很高的声誉。
- Pure cheese enjoying a high reputation appeals to you with the rural fascination. 享有佳誉的纯正奶酪,乡村魅力的再现。
- enjoy a high reputation both at home and abroad 誉满中外
- My school has long been enjoying a high reputation, and I have profited much from it. 我的学校久已享有盛誉了,我由它得益很多。
- The Children Theatre of Marionette of Moscow enjoys a high reputation throughout Russia. 故事情节曲折生动,演出妙处横生,充满了童话的色彩。
- They are a company enjoying a high reputation and good financial standing and we consider them to be good for the amount in question. 这是一家享有盛誉、财务状况良好的公司,我们认为就贵方询问的款额而言,该公司不会有问题。
- Though it's always in a great.demand, we can keep you regularly supplied as your company enjoys a high reputation in doing business. 尽管这种商品的需求量很大,但由于贵公司做生意讲信誉,我们可以保证定期供货。
- Though it's always in a great demand, we can keep you regularly supplied as your company enjoys a high reputation in doing business. 尽管这种商品的需求量很大,但由于贵公司做生意讲信誉,我们可以保证定期供货。
- Nitryl carboxylic acid and its derivant series products are sold to Europe, America, Japan and enjoys a high reputation. 公司生产的硝基羧酸及其衍生物系列产品,远销欧、美、日市场,且享有较高的知名度。
- Boart Longyear is the leading provider in the areas of exploration and mining in the world, and enjoys a high reputation in global drilling industry. 公司的产品被广泛运用于矿山、铁路、水电、核电、建筑等能源和基础建设领域。
- Doctors enjoy a high social status. 医生享有的社会地位高。