- In this paper, the control factors and production enhancing mechanism are analyzed of the MLHW in developing ... 本文论述了多分支水平井在煤层气开发中的控制因素和增产机理,并对其在沁水煤田模拟应用作了分析。
- The forepart strength enhancing rules of lime fly ash WKL mixed with different kinds and quantities of additives are systematically studied, and the enhancing mechanism is analyzed and discussed. 对二灰(石灰与粉煤灰)稳定尾矿料混合料在不同外加剂掺量下的早期强度增长规律进行系统研究,对其早期强度增长机理进行分析探讨。
- The enhancement mechanism of the wollastonite/epoxy system was explored. 改性硅灰石与未改性硅灰石相比,改性后填充量增大,增强效果明显。
- The enhancement mechanism of Ln quercetin binary system by TOPO(TX 100) SDS was discussed. 探讨了TOPO(TX-100)-SDS对Ln-槲皮素二元体系的增敏机理。
- The enhanced mechanism of PP fiber and polymer emulsion on cement mortar properties was explored. 对聚丙烯纤维和聚合物乳液改性水泥砂浆的机理进行了初步讨论。
- The enhancement mechanism of the optimized CVL by a genetic algorithm are presented in this paper. 研究铜蒸气激光优化后可提高输出功率的激光动力学机理。
- Enhancement mechanism of S-activator on high calcium PFA expansive cement was studied by means of DSC, XRD, SEM, etc. 采用DSC、XRD、SEM等微观分析方法研究了S-激发剂对高钙粉煤灰膨胀水泥的增强机理。
- When spodumene was added in the products, the cause for reducing firing temperature, enhancing mechanical strength and heat-shock resistance, possessing good chemical stability was clarified. 阐明在制品中添加锂辉石,能降低烧成温度,提高机械强度,抗热振性以及具有良好的化学稳定性的原因。
- The enhancement mechanism is briefly discussed based on surface plasmon oscillation excitable on the electrodeposited Pt surfaces. 铂纳米膜的红外吸收增强,可能与其本身表面等离子振荡的激发有关。
- Surface-enhanced FT-Raman spectrum of methylviolegen on the array reveals that Raman scattering in near IR region was mainly enhanced via a chemical enhancement mechanism. 甲基紫精在银纳米粒子阵列上的表面增强FT-拉曼光谱表明在近红外区拉曼散射的表面增强主要来自于化学增强效应。
- In this paper, the heat transfer performance of foed convective Condensation and the heat transfer enhancement mechanism on the petal shaped fin tube (PF tube) are studied. 本文研究了花瓣形翅片管(PF管)在水平套管之环形通道内强制对流冷凝的传热性能及传热强化机理。
- You operate the mechanism by winding this handle. 操纵这台机器要转动这个把手。
- The watch has delicate mechanism. 这块表有精细的机械装置。
- Let's examine into the basic mechanism involved. 让我们把有关的基本结构搞搞清楚。
- Summary on enhancing mechanism of optical brightener for baculovirus infection 荧光增白剂对杆状病毒的增效机理研究概况
- As an enhancement mechanism for the end-to-end congestion control, active queue management (AQM) such as RED can control queue length efficiently on the basis of keeping higher throughput. 以RED算法为代表的主动队列管理(AQM)方案作为中间节点设备的增强机制,在保证较高吞吐量的基础上有效控制队列长度,从而实现了控制端到端的时延,保证QoS的目的。
- In order to understand the effects of silica fume to Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) performance and its enhancement mechanism in RPC, effects of quantity of silica fume in RPC on concrete density, relative density and compressive strength are discussed. 摘要为了解硅灰对活性粉末混凝土性能的影响,以及硅灰在活性粉末混凝土中的增强机理,通过试验分析,讨论了活性粉末混凝土中硅灰掺量变化对混凝土密度、相对密度和抗压强度等性能的影响。
- The features of the searchlight model and the biased competition model are combined together and both competition mechanism and enhancement mechanism are included in the unified model. 在统一模型中 ,把探照灯模型和偏置竞争模型的特点结合起来 ,既包括竞争机制 ,又包括增强机制。
- A part of a mechanism that moves in this manner. 横移物以这种方式移动的一个机械零件
- Meanwhile, the brucite concrete"s enhancement mechanism, destruction mechanism and tired injury mechanism are analyzed in the base of concrete construction and theory analysis of fibrous concrete. 同时,在对混凝土的组成结构和纤维增强混凝土的基本理论分析的基础上探讨了水镁石纤维增强水泥混凝土的增强机理、混凝土的破坏机理以及疲劳损伤机理等。