- Can Engineering Performance Specifications be met as written? 工程性能规范是否能满足书面要求?
- Maged E.Georgy Luh-Maan Chang,Lei Zhang.Utility-function Model for Engineering Performance Assessment,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,2005,131(5):558-568. 知识工作的生产率至少应包括效率(如完成工作的时间);质量(如客户满意度);创新等多内涵和多维度指标.
- Based on the collection of substantial surveyed data, and in combination with the prospecting engineering practice, the geological characteristics and engineering performance of ground mass in the urban area of. 在收集大量勘察资料的基础上,结合勘察工程实践,对长沙市区岩土体地质特征及工程性能进行了系统地归纳总结,并提出了该地区岩土体主要物理力学性质指标经验值。
- The engine performs well in cold weather. 这种发动机在冷天性能很好。
- Currently he is concentrating on the Web service engine performance and API design. 现在他侧重于Web服务引擎性能和API设计。
- ExxonMobil and Porsche engineers work together to ensure maximum engine performance and reliability. 埃克森美孚公司和保时捷公司的工程师为确保最好的发动机性能和可靠性而共同努力。
- This section describes various ways in which engines and engine performance are measured. 本节内容介绍发动机和发动机性能的各种计量方法。
- Fuel-pump pressure and capacity can be checked with special gauges. Low pump pressure will cause fuel starvation and poor engine performance. 燃油泵的压力和流通能力可以用专门的仪器进行检查。泵油压力下降可引起供油不足,并降低发动机的性能。
- Fixes engine performance level to suit strategy ranging from qualifying configuration to a safety car situation. 调节引擎表现以适应从排位赛到安全车的不同模式。
- Maintenance-free CDI ignition system ensures precise, reliable spark for peak engine performance at all RPM. 免维护CDI点火系统保证了引擎在全部RPM工况下所需的精确可靠的点火火花。
- The engine performance was investigated in a multipoint EFI gasoline engine fueled with gasohol blend. 研究了多点电喷汽油机燃用醇汽油混合燃料的性能。
- Wu T, McAulay K J. Predicting Diesel Engine Performance Various Ambient Conditions [R]. SAE730148, 1973. 柯亚仕高桐生.;汽车柴油机的高原模拟试验研究[J]
- Adams, W.E. and Boldt, K., 1965, “ Propane versus Gasoline Effects on Engine Performance and Economy ”. 林志恒;1997;“汽油与液化石油气引擎排气污染之研究”;国立台湾大学机械工程研究所硕士论文.
- The engine oil must perform many direct functions, while not causing any debits in other areas of engine performance. 机油有很多功能,然而它会在发动机性能的其他方面也引起很多缺点。
- Attention to these service functions will improve engine performance and fuel economy. 注意上述维修工作将提高发动机性能并节省燃料。
- Relative to uniform inlet pressure, the distorted or actual profiles may have a rather profound effect on engine performance. 与均匀的压力分布比较起来,畸变的或真实的压力场对发动性能具有相当大的影响。
- My major is the subject of chemical engineering. 我的专业是化学工程学。
- Without this shock-absorber action the piston could bounce up and down, causing erratic carburetor action and poor engine performance. 没有这个减振作用,活塞会上下窜动,引起化油器工作异常,导致发动性能变坏。
- He was trained as an engineer/in engineering. 他受过担任工程师的[工程学方面的]培训。
- DTP QA engineers perform spot-checks on the work during the DTP process to find problems at an early stage. DTP QA工程师在DTP过程中随时进行抽查,以便尽早发现问题。