- Triglyceride is mainly absorbed from our diet and serves as energy store. 三酸甘油脂大部份摄取自食物,主要作为生理能源的储蓄资源。
- Abstract Energy storing mechanism and thermodynamics of reduction of mechanically milled iron ore powder were studied. 摘要 研究了机械力作用下铁矿粉储能的变化规律和还原热力学。
- In switching mode power supply, the output inductor plays an important role for ripple smoothing and energy storing. 在开关电源中,输出滤波电感有储能和平滑滤波输出电压的重要作用。
- Energy stored in fuel is chemical energy. 储存在燃料中的能量是化学能。
- In 1997 the Yamzho Yumco Water Pumping and Energy Storing Power Station, built with state investment totaling 2.014 billion yuan, was completed and began to generate electricity. 1997年,国家投资20.;14亿元的羊卓雍湖抽水蓄能电站竣工、发电。
- Long afeerglow phosphorescent materials have become a new kind of energy storing materials because of their excellent luminescent properties. 摘要长余辉发光材料因其具有特殊的储能发光性能,是一类绿色环保型材料。
- In 1997 the Yamzho Yumco Water Pumping and Energy Storing Power Station,built with state investment totaling 2.014 billion yuan,was completed and began to generate electricity. 1997年,国家投资20.;14亿元的羊卓雍湖抽水蓄能电站竣工、发电。
- This compressed air is used as an energy store to push oil between the bladders. 被挤压的空气就如同马达一样在两个气泡之间推动油料。
- Replenishes energy stores at a faster rate (recovery). 以更快的速率补充能量储备(恢复能力)。
- The said energy storing water tank consists of warm water storage tank of multiple stage heating and hot water storage tank, in parallel connection with multi-stage confluent water-heating tank. 所述的储能水箱是一个以上的水箱,储能水箱包括分级加热式温水储热水箱及终温储热水箱,分级加热式汇流热水箱与分级加热式温水储热水箱及终温储热水箱间的连接是并联连接。
- Lithium iron phosphate material can also be used to improve the reliability of Li-ion batteries, however they have an energy storing capability lower than that of traditional Li-ion batteries. 这样阿贡可能就不是最近唯一能用到新电池的地方了。磷酸锂也能增强锂离子电池的稳定性,但是它们会使电池的储电能力比传统的低。
- super low temperature store element 超低温存储元件
- This layer of blubber acts as insulation, and it also provides seals with energy stores for when they are not foraging. 这层脂肪不光使海豹可以抵御严寒,同时也是海豹在食物不足的时候的营养储备。
- What happens to the energy stored in a wound clockspring when the clock runs down? 时钟不走了,上紧了的发条内所储存的能量到哪里去了?
- But when bad times never come, they are stuck with that energy stored around their expanding bellies. 但是如果坏年景总是不来,他们不断增长的肚皮上囤积的能量就甩不掉了。
- Nutgrass can still be problematic because there is enough energy stored in the nut to allow young seedlings to puncture the mulch and emerge. 莎草仍然是个难题,因为在坚硬的果实中储有足够能量使其幼苗穿透薄膜而生长。
- The complete Firmament atmosphere invigorated the mind and body since the radiation energy stored prana in the Firmament. 因为射线将其能量储存在冰天中,整个冰天大气层对大脑和身体有激励作用。
- Powerful substorms followed, as energy stored in the magnetotail was explosively released into the upper atmosphere. 储存在磁尾的能量,如爆炸般释放到高层大气,产生了一个接一个的强力次磁暴。
- Find more gold before the depletion of energy stores to buy supplies such as maps, support and explosives. 找到更多黄金之前的能源耗尽的商店买用品像地图,支持和爆炸物。
- This relation shows that,in view of the magnitude of the velocity of hght,there is enormous energy stored in even a small amount of matter. 这个关系式表明,由于光速度极大,因而即使在很少的物质中也贮存着极大的能量。