- energy trade dependency ratio 能值贸易依存度
- An Analysis and Thinking on China's Foreign Trade Dependency Ratio 中国外贸依存度的分析与思考
- International Comparison of Foreign Trade Dependency Ratio and an Analysis on Structural Risk in Chinese Foreign Trade 外贸依存度国际比较与中国外贸的结构型风险分析
- Chinese foreign trade dependence ratio 对外贸易依存度
- Overall dependency ratio in mid-2023 is 449. 2023年年中总抚养比率是449。
- Child dependency ratio in mid-2028 is 171. 2028年年中少年儿童抚养比率是171。
- The Empirical Study About Impellent Function on GDP of International Trade Dependent Ratio 外贸依存度对GDP增长影响的实证分析
- She formerly worked for the energy trading company Enron. 她曾经为安然能源交易公司工作。
- For a fairly long time to come, international energy trade will remain a major way by which China utilizes foreign energy resources. 在相当长的一段时期内,国际能源贸易仍将是中国利用外国能源的主要途径。
- The age dependency ratio - the ratio of the young and the aged to people of age 15 to 64 - dropped from 438 per 1000 in 1987 to 398 per 1000 in 1997. 抚养比率(即年幼及年老人士与15岁至64岁人口的比率),由一九八七年的千分之四三八降至一九九七年的千分之三九八。
- Dependency ratio Proportion of children and old people in a population in comparison with everyone else. 抚养率指在总人口中,儿童和老人与其他人口的比率。
- The dependency ratio is more advantageous in older societies than in younger societies. 扶养率在老龄化社会里比年轻社会里要有利一些。
- In 2005, the elderly dependency ratio is 166, i. E. Every 1,000 employed persons has to raise 166 elderly persons aged 65 or above. 老年抚养率已上升至2005年的166,即每1,000名劳动人口需要抚养166位65岁或以上的长者。
- A total or a partial compensation trade depends upon your payment capability. 全额补偿还是部分补偿要看你们的支付能力。
- When fertility is high and a country is young (median age below 20), there are huge numbers of children and the overall dependency ratio is high. 一个国家生育率高,表示这个国家很年轻(中位年龄在20岁以下),小孩数量庞大,依赖性比例相当高;
- For decelerating an international economic motion possibility economy to result in to the our country of influence, should stabilize an our country of foreign trade depend on save a degree. 为了减缓国际经济波动可能对我国经济造成的影响,应稳定我国的对外贸易依存度。
- But Goldman Sachs argues that the effect of China's growing dependency ratio will be mitigated by the rising productivity of an increasingly well-educated workforce. 但同时高盛指出,随着受良好教育的劳动人口数量不断增加,所提升的生产力能够有效减轻赡养比率升高所造成的影响。
- For Ray Carbone, who heads the New York-based energy trading firm Paramount Options, the issue boils down to three words: supply and demand. 卡蓬是设在纽约的能源交易公司负责人。对于他来说,这个问题的根源就是三个词:供应与需求。
- For Ray Carbone, who heads the New York-based energy trading firm Paramount Options, the issue boils down to 3 words: supply and demand. Ray Carbone是总部位于纽约的能源交易公司ParamountOptions的领导人,对他而言,该问题可以归结为三个字“供与需”。
- National Power and Wealth consists in numbers of People, and Magazines of Home and Foreign Goods. These depend on Trade, and Trade depends on Money. 一国的实力和财富,与人口、军火和外国商品的数量有关。这些东西依赖于贸易,而贸易又依赖于货币。