- energy methods for deflection 偏移能量法
- energy method for deflection 挠曲能量法
- M. H. Tsai &K. C. Chang “A Study of The Modal Strain Energy Method for Viscoelastically Damped Structures” Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2001, pp. 311-320. 陈信童“以反应谱法分析隔震建物内之次结构的动力反应”国立台湾大学土木工程学研究所硕士论文,田尧彰教授指导,民国95年6月
- Calculating methods for energy balance of marine d. 船舶柴油机动力装置能量平衡计算方法。
- An instrument or a method for inflicting such pain. 刑具造成这种痛苦的工具或手段
- Sectioned energy method is an effective measure for resolving this problem. 分段能量法,是解决这个问题的一个行之有效的方法。
- A new superposition method for deflections of beams is suggested.A simply supported beam can be turned into a cantilevered beam. 摘要目的提出一种弯曲变形叠加的新方法。
- It was analysed by a strain energy method. 这是用应变能力方法解决的。
- He finally find out the method for apply his theory to phenomena. 他终于发现了他的理论运用在某种特殊现象的方法。
- We prove the asymptotic behavior of initial boundary problem for a class of quasilinear wave equation by energy method. 利用一个特殊的积分不等式得到一类拟线性波动方程初边值问题解的渐近性。
- The deflection differential equation of string has been first solved by using infinite series method, and the formula of the buckling critical loads has been obtained with energy method. 首次用无穷级数法求解了其临界屈曲时的挠曲线微分方程,并同时用能量法给出了其临界屈曲载荷计算公式。
- Provides methods for building signatures. 提供生成签名的方法。
- Provides methods for dynamic code compilation. 提供用于动态代码编译的方法。
- The Stability Coefficient Method for Deflection Estimate and Control of Deep Excavation 预测和控制深基坑变形的抗隆起稳定系数法
- Technical requirements and testing methods for und. 水下胶粘剂技术要求和试验方法。
- Analytical methods for washing waste from tanker o. 散装化肥和农药洗舱废水分析方法。
- Standard Test Method for Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural Load in the Edgewise Position 在挠曲负荷下塑料横向位置挠曲温度的标准测试方法
- Static and dynamic test methods for port cranes me. 港口起重机金属结构静载及动载试验方法。
- That provides Get and Set methods for the value. 为值提供Get和Set方法的。