- Energy Generator Description: Replenishes the energy of nearby Marine units. 能量再生器描述:恢复附近陆战队员的系统能量。
- IT SOUNDS too good to be true - an all-in-one cooker, energy generator and fridge. 这个发明简直听起来不可思议,集炊具、发电机和冰箱于一体的设备!
- Inner Mongolia Energy Generation Investment Co. Ltd. 新丰电厂的所有者内蒙古能源发电投资有限公司。
- A machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustable blades or slats rotated by the wind. 风车靠风力旋转带有可调节的叶片或梯级横木的轮子所产生的能量来运转的一种机器
- Most of the energy generated by the collapse is carried away by neutrinos. 大部分塌缩所产生的能量便是由中微子带走。
- The Swiss system, like those in Germany, France and Spain, pays a renewable energy generator for every kWh of electricity generated. 瑞士的制度,如在德国,法国和西班牙,支付的可再生能源发电每千瓦时的发电。
- A machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustableblades or slats rotated by the wind. 风车靠风力旋转带有可调节的叶片或梯级横木的轮子所产生的能量来运转的一种机器。
- Some other techniques, such as small discharge energies generator, deionized water used as dielectric, are adopeted also. 该机床还采用了微能放电电源、去离子水工作液等加工工艺。
- The quotient of the energy generated by one unit during a given period of time and corresponding maximum capacity. 在给定时间内,单套发电单元机组发出的电能除以相应的最大容量所得的商。
- Of course, the physical laws governing the energy generation cycle holds still, but the equations seemingly meet with a singularity. 无疑,掌管著能量输出的物理定律仍然有效,方程组却遇上了无可解决的奇异点。
- No energy generally moves through the grids underlying the cities, and sometimes for upwards of 50 miles underground. 在城市地下的晶格层中是没有任何能量流动的,有时甚至直到地下50英里。
- VSCF AC excitation doubly fed wind energy generation system and its control technology is studied in this paper. 本文围绕变速恒频交流励磁双馈风力发电系统及其相关控制技术展开研究。
- Moreover, heat energy generated during decay of heavy elements like uranium at the centre of the Earth triggers tectonic movement. 还有,地球核心内如铀等的重元素在衰变时产生热能,驱动地壳板块运动。
- When helium burning takes over the main burden of energy generation in the star, the core expands somewhat, and the envelope contracts somewhat. 当氦燃烧成为星体能量产生的主要来源时,核心略微膨胀,而包层略微收缩。
- Emphasis will be on uses of solid waste for energy generation, soil improvement, road building, brick industry, forestry &horticulture. 重点将是在对固体废料的用途为能量世代, 土壤改良, 路大厦, 砖产业, 林业& 园艺。
- The decoupled control of active power and reactive power is a key technology of variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) wind energy generation system. 双馈发电机的有功和无功功率的解耦控制是变速恒频(VSCF)风力发电系统的关键技术。
- Engineer Shotgun and Energy Generator Icons 工程师霰弹枪及能量反应炉图标
- The energy generation system of SIEMENS PRIMUS digitization high energy accelerator is different from that of tradition design equipment. 西门子PRIMUS数字化高能加速器的能量发生,与加速器的传统模式有所不同。
- Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS) has been the world record holder for largest solar thermal project since its completion in 1990. 自从1990年建成之后,加州南部的太阳能发电系统就一直是最大的太阳能热电工程。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。