- energy deposition event 能量沉积事件
- The temperature rise near explosive welding interface is caused by explosive adiabatic compression and abnormal energy deposition. 摘要爆炸焊接界面附近温升是由爆炸绝热压缩和畸形变形能沉积两者造成的。
- The simulated result indicates a few number of full energy deposition pulse shapes are similar to rising-edge pile-up pulse shapes. 结果表明:有一定数量的能量全沉积脉冲与上升沿堆积脉冲波形存在较大的相似。
- The Midland Region of China includes eight provinces, which has abundant energy deposit such as coal, oil and water power. 摘要中部地区煤炭、石油和水能资源的禀赋较高,但是各个省份的能源状况差别很大。
- Two new quantities defined by ICRU, energy deposit and converted energy per unit masscema are described in this paper. 本文介绍了 ICRU定义的两个新量 ,沉积能 ( energy deposit)和比转换能 ( cema)。
- Had shortwave radios existed, they would have been rendered useless by energy deposition in the ionosphere, the high-altitude layer of ionized gas that reflects radio waves. 即使当时有短波无线电,也会因电离层(高层的离子化气体层,能反射无线电波)能量储存而瘫痪。
- The radiation scattering is studied by MCNP simulation.The distributions of energy deposition in CsI: Tl crystal under different energy spectrum and depth of screen are given. 用MCNP方法研究了转换屏内的辐射输运,给出了不同入射光子能谱和转换屏厚度下转换屏内能量沉积随半径的变化关系。
- The relationship among energy deposit, energy imparted and linear energy are compared. A comparison between cema and kerma, absorbed dose is made. 比较了沉积能、授予能和线能之间的关系 ,及比转换能与比释功能和吸收剂量间的关系。
- The Midland Region of China includes eight provinces,which has abundant energy deposit such as coal,oil and water power. 中部地区煤炭、石油和水能资源的禀赋较高,但是各个省份的能源状况差别很大。
- Based on the enormous chemical energy deposit, several kinds of chemical laser now deliver the cw power outputs of megawatt magnitude, far higher than any other lasers. 由于化学储能的巨大, 这类器件目前输出的连续波功率已达兆瓦级, 大大高于所有其他激光器;
- The Guanyinqiao Member only exists in the area affected by the depositional event, while in other areas, the Wufeng Formation are conformably overlain by Longmaxi Formation. 观音桥段仅在事件影响的范围内才存在,在其缺失地区五峰组与上覆龙马溪组之间为整合接触的连续沉积。
- During the ablation process, the 17-guage electrode internally circulates water to cool the tissue adjacent to the exposed electrode, maximizing energy deposition and minimizing tissue charring. 在消融过程中,有17线规内部循环水的电极冷却暴露于电极的相邻组织,最大程度传送能量而最小程度焦灼组织。
- Conclusion Auger electrons can produce high local energy deposition in cells because of their very low energies and extremely short ranges. 结论俄歇电子在生物组织中的射程短,单位路径的能量损失高,能产生非常高的局部能量沉积。
- Oil field gas is one kind of energy depositing in stratum profundity with crude oil. 油田气是与原油同时储藏在地层深处的一种能源。
- shock wave induced by energy deposition 能量沉积产生冲击波
- M icrowave dosim etry is to quantify the m agn itude and d istribution of absorbed m icrowave energy deposited in b iological sub jects. 微波剂量学是对沉积在生物体内的微波能量及其分布的物理量度。
- During the operational time of the ITER, the cooling water will remove 80% of the fusion energy depositing in the shield blanket. 在ITER的运行过程中,80%25的聚变能都要通过屏蔽包层里面的冷却水带出到环境中。
- Internal dosimetry has been used to describe the distribution of radiopharmaceutical radioactive energy deposited in tissue during the course of metabolism and its determination. 在核医学中,内照射剂量学主要用于描述放射性药物在体内分布、代谢过程中放射性能量沉积及其确定。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。
- Young people usually have more energy than the old. 青年人通常比老年人精力充沛。