- The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content. 一个物体的质量就是其所含能量的度量单位。
- The energy content of fuels is directly related to the mass and not volume. 与燃料的发热值直接有关的是质量而不是容积。
- During periods of cold temperatures, increase the energy content of the diet. 在冷温度时期增加日料的能量含量。
- The energy content of the food an animal eats is liberated by its metabolic processes. 动物所吃食物中的能量是通过它的代谢过程释放出来的。
- The general approach commonly adopted by most nutritionists is to measure the energy content. 被大多数营养学家所普遍采用的一般方法是去测定能量含量。
- Subjects eating lunch with the higher energy content did not compensate by reducing intake at subsequent meals. 吃高能量午餐的研究对象在下一餐并没有以减少份量的摄取来做补偿。
- The suitability of fatty acid ester as diesel fuel results from their molecular structure and high energy content. 脂肪酸酯作为发动机燃料的可行性来自于其分子结构和较高的能量密度。
- These various forms differ in their thermodynamic energy content, but not in composition. 这些不同的形态有不同的热力学能,组成无差异。
- The explosive potential (energy content per unit mass) of hydrogen is about twice that of the methane in natural gas. 氢的爆炸潜能(每单位质量含有的能量),大约是天然气中甲烷的两倍。
- Indeed, reserves of gas already stand at 87 percent of oil reserves in terms of energy content. 的确如此,就能源存量而言,天然气的蕴藏量已经达到石油的87%25了。
- The energy content of the preconcentrate of the example could be increased by the addition of other explosives such as trinitrotoluol. 加入其它炸药,例如三硝基甲苯,可使所列举的预浓缩物的能量增加。
- Butanol fuel can be manufactured from corn and molasses, has a high energy content and can be shipped through existing fuel pipelines. 丁醇可以由玉米和糖蜜制出,其拥有较高的能量并能用现有管道进行输送。
- Bagasse is a fuel with such characters as difficult to burn, high moisture content,great evaporability and low energy content. 甘蔗渣是一种难着火、含水份高、挥发份大、发热值低的生物燃料。
- The influence of significant variations in energy content of prey Arachnida on the food selection of insectivores was discussed. 本文就蛛形纲动物作为猎物,其含能值显著变动对食虫动物食物选择的影响也进行了探讨。
- The heat energy content that a kilogram of flocks and herds suckles is equal to 8 eggs or flesh of Ke Niu of 2 0 0, and cholesterol content is low. 一公斤牛羊奶的热能含量等于 8个鸡蛋或 2 0 0克牛肉 ,且胆固醇含量低。
- Everybody knows by now that Tiramisu means "pick-me-up" in Italian, for the high energy content (eggs and sugar) and the caffeine of the strong espresso coffee. 现在大家都知道“提拉米苏”在意大利语中的意思是“兴奋剂”,因为它含有高能量物质(鸡蛋和糖)和浓缩咖啡的咖啡因。
- The effect of diet energy content on digestive enzymes activities was not significant ,but the protein content changed amylase, trypsin and chymotrypsin activity. 日粮能量水平对鸭小肠液消化酶活性没有显著地影响,而蛋白质水平对小肠液中淀粉酶、胰蛋白酶、糜蛋白酶有显著地影响。
- Additionally, pound-for-pound, tires have botha higher energy content and burn with less emissions than coal, says the Scrap Tire ManagementCouncil, Washington, D. 另外,华盛顿特区的废弃轮胎管委会认为,轮胎与煤炭相比,不仅含有的能量更高,而且燃烧产生的废气排放物更少。
- It was thus able to break down long carbohydrate chains to form small, useable molecules while simultaneously removing the oxygen and maintaining the energy content of the biofuel. 这样就能够打断碳水化合物长链来形成小而可用的分子,而同时将生物燃料中的氧移除并保持住其中的能量成分。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。