- Ensures effective energy conservation measures in areas of operations. 确保酒店运营区的有效能量供给。鈥?
- Simultaneously has given one unique detailed system antijamming measure and the system energy conservation measure. 同时给出了一种独特的详细的系统抗干扰措施和系统节能措施。
- New Energy Conservation Measures of the Urea Dewaxing Unit 尿素脱蜡装置节能新举措
- The Energy Efficiency Analysis and Energy Conservation Measures of An Alkali Factory's Steam Heat Exchange System 某碱厂蒸汽加热系统能效分析及节能措施
- Energy consumption situation of Nanjing textile industry during the "Tenth Five Years Plan" period and energy conservation measures in the "Eleventh Five Years Plan" period 南京纺织"十五"期间能源消费状况以及"十一五"节能对策
- Ex-situ conservation measures can be explored. 可尝试采种育苗作迁地保育。
- Ex-situ conservation measures could be explored. 可尝试迁地保育。
- energy conservation measures 节能措施
- Fuel conservation measures are still in their infancy. 燃料节约工作仍在初创阶段。
- Energy conservation;energy efficiency;an energy czar. 能量守恒;功效;强权的沙皇
- Clearly, a refrigerator, which is a physical system must obey not only the first law(energy conservation) but the second law of thermodynamics as well. 很明显,冷冻机是一种物理系统,因此它不仅必须遵从第一定律(能量定恒), 也必须遵从热力学的第二定律。
- Plant Panel is the expert of energy conservation in building. 普兰特,您的节能板材专家。
- Yizhang County is a microcosm of a building energy conservation. 这是宜章县推进抓好建筑节能的一个缩影。
- The Effect Analysis of Energy Conservation Measure on Mek - Toluene Dewaxing Unit 酮苯脱蜡装置的节能技措效果分析
- In this foundation, Proposed further deepening idea of energy conservation and taking measures to build an abstemious corporation. 在此基础上提出了进一步深化节能理念,建立节约型企业所采取的措施。
- Let's now examine this same feature within the context of energy conservation. 现在我们从能量守恒的角度来考察这同一特性。
- Various conservation measures have transformed the formerly bare hillsides and slopes into areas with plants of local and introduced species. 本港在采取各项自然护理措施后,以往是不毛之地的山坡,现已种植了本地及外来植物。
- The Council has put forward valuable concrete proposals on energy conservation. 委员会提出了宝贵而具体的节能意见。
- This paper analyses the energy use of ketone - benzene dewaxing and deoil-ing with three link model and also presents concrete measures for energy conservation. 本文运用三环节模型对酮苯脱蜡脱油装置进行了用能分析,并提出了具体的节能技术措施。