- The energy band gaps of sputtered Cr03 are approximately 1. leV(AD) and 1. 4eV (HT). 其中第三种溅射铬-氧薄膜(C_rO3)的能带间隙约1.;leV (A-D)和1
- This paper analyses the physical sence of effective mass of energy band elec-tron and also discusses its tensor. 本文分析了有效质量的物理意义,并对它的张量性质进行了讨论。
- Application of the quantum interference effect in designing energy band structure of the infrared photodetector[J]. 引用该论文 连洁;王青圃;程兴奎;张飒飒;姜军;张瑞峰;周均铭;黄绮.
- Each distinct atomic state may split into a series of closely spaced electron states in the solid, to form what is termed an electron energy band. 固体中每个分立的原子态会劈裂成一系列的紧密排列的电子态,进而形成了所谓的电子能带。
- The sensitizer whose energy band matched with sunlight was selected to raise the photoelectric conversion efficiency and reduce the cost. 应用分光光度计对大量天然色素进行光谱表征,从中选择与太阳光匹配的光敏化剂,以提高太阳能电池的光电转化率及降低其成本。
- Introducing modifier ions or network breakers will change pyramid types, bond length, energy band and optical nonlinearities of tellurite glasses. 碲酸盐系统玻璃中的中间离子和网络外离子的加入会改变组成网络的配位多面体组成、键性和能带结构,进而影响玻璃的非线性光学性能。
- In this article,the formation and characterization of the energy band of electroluminescent polymers and the application ... 本文简要地介绍了电注入发光聚合物的能带的形成、表征以及能带工程在聚合物发光器件中的应用。
- The article deals with the oil and rock mineral property according to the molecular orbit theory and the energy band theory of the solid material. 该文依据分子轨道理论和固体物质的能带理论,对石油及岩石矿物的荧光性成因进行了论述。
- The effects of metal ions and waters on the energy band structures of proteins have been investigated with the aid of CNDO/2 Crystal Orbital method. 本文用CNDO/2晶体轨道方法研究了金属离子和水对蛋白质能带结构的影响。
- It is very important to obtain data of energy band structure for optimizing and choosing organic electroluminescent materials. 有机电致发光材料能带结构的表征对于材料的优化选择和有机电致发光器件的研究非常重要。
- Calculated energy band structures show that the single-trimer model has a semiconducting surface and Tri-Ad model has a metallic one. 计算的电子结构表明single-trimer模型的表面是半导体性的而之前的Tri-Ad模型的表面是金属性的。
- Introducing modifier ions or network breakers will change pyramid types,bond length,energy band and optical nonlinearities of tellurite glasses. 碲酸盐系统玻璃中的中间离子和网络外离子的加入会改变组成网络的配位多面体组成、键性和能带结构,进而影响玻璃的非线性光学性能。
- Energy band theory of polymer and the calculation of electrical stress distribution were used to explan the experimental phenomena. 用聚合物的能带理论以及介质中电场计算解释了实验现象。
- In this paper, a Scalar Eelativiatic Green's Function method( SRA-KKR) neglecting spin-orbit coupling effect has been proposed for the energy band calculation. 略去自旋轨道耦合效应,在标量相对论近似下本文提出了一个近似的、对论格林函数电子能带结构计算法。
- The energy band structures of 221 phase and 232 phase in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system superconductors have been calculated by using the tight-binding method based upon EHT approximation. 用EHT近似下紧束缚态方法讨论了BI-Sr-Ca-Cu-O体系超导体221相和232相的能带结构。
- The energy band structures of Bi-Sr-Ca-Ou-o superconductors were calculated by performing the tight-binding calculation method on the basis of EHT approximation. 利用EHT近似下的紧束缚能带结构计算方法计算了Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O超导体的能带结构.
- The visible-light responding region was extended by Mo6+ doping because the doping of Mo6+ could introduce crystal cavities into TiO2 nanoparticles and reduce its energy band gap. 利用Mo6+的掺杂在TiO2中引入缺陷,从而扩大TiO2催化剂的光谱响应范围。
- With excellent angular resolution, good energy resolution and broad energy band, theChandra ACIS is so far the best instrument for studying the X-ray halos. Chandra卫星上的ACIS具有很高的角分辨率、良好的能量分辨率和较宽的能量范围,因此成为最理想的研究X射线晕的仪器。
- Abstract : The effects of metal ions and waters on the energy band structures of proteins have been investigated with the aid of CNDO/2 Crystal Orbital method. 摘要 : 本文用CNDO/2晶体轨道方法研究了金属离子和水对蛋白质能带结构的影响。
- We calculated the energy band structures of the double TI-O layer TI-Ba-Ca-CuO oxide superconductors by performing the tight-binding band structure calculation method on the basis of EHT approximation. 利用EHT近似下的紧束缚能带结构计算方法计算了Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu氧化物超导体双Tl-O层体系的能带结构。