- endwise mismatch 纵向错移
- Their marriage was a mismatch they had little in common. 他们的婚姻不般配,两人几乎无共同之处。
- In rare cases, the mismatch might be unimportant. 在极少情况下,这种不匹配可能无关紧要。
- There is a mismatch in the settings type. 设置类型中有不相配之处。
- If a mismatch occurs, the package will not execute. 如果出现不匹配,则将不执行包。
- Schema update failed: syntax mismatch. 架构更新失败: 语法不匹配。
- Configuration of NVRAM and drives mismatch. (NVRAM的配置和驱动器不匹配。
- What you said is mismatch with the the fact. 你所说的跟事实不完全相符。
- Their marriage was a mismatch,they had little in common. 他们的婚姻不般配,两人几无共同之处。
- A mismatch in real power results in a frequency deviation. 有功的不平衡将会引起频率的偏移。
- Mismatch between maintained byte array and pinned byte array. 维护的字节数组与固定的字节数组之间不匹配。
- Relation {0} cannot be merged, because keys have mismatch columns. 键具有不匹配的列,因此不能合并关系 {0}。
- China is such a country been exposed to currency mismatch risks. 中国目前也存在着较大程度的货币错配问题。
- Type mismatch between proxy type {0} and activation type {1}. 代理类型 {0} 和激活类型 {1} 之间的类型不匹配。
- Donors of HLA 1/6-2/6 mismatch were accepted at registry search. 多份移植脐血HLA匹配为 1 6 - 2 6位点不相合。
- ERROR: Could not retreive information due to version mismatch. 错误: 由于版本不匹配,无法检索信息。
- Are you discarding recent changes that led to the mismatch? 还是放弃导致不匹配产生的最新改变?
- This causes a type mismatch error in Visual Basic 2005. 这将导致Visual Basic 2005中出现类型不匹配错误。
- Their marriage was a mismatch, they had little in common. 他们的婚姻不般配,两人几无共同之处.
- The mismatch is evidence that a feeling is contagion based. 这样”错位“现象证明了心情是会传染的。