- To the endpoint address of the service, and the WSDL is displayed. 添加到服务的端点地址,WSDL就会显示。
- What if you want to change the default endpoint address? 您想把默认端点地址变成什么呢?
- The key is deriving the desired endpoint address dynamically. 关键在于要动态地派生所需要的端点地址。
- The factory returns a stub that uses the endpoint address passed on the method. 工厂使用传递到方法的端点地址返回一个存根。
- Creates a channel of a specified type to a specified endpoint address. 创建到指定终结点地址的指定类型的通道。
- The bus Invoker module sends the SOAP message to the Web service provider using the endpoint address in the WSDL file. 总线Invoker模块通过WSDL文件中的端点地址将SOAP消息发送到Web服务提供者。
- Finally, you deploy this component and tell the service consumer to use the new endpoint address. 最后,部署此组件,并告知服务使用者使用新端点地址。
- The reasoning is an attempt to align it with the endpoint address selection decision process. 这种层次划分的原因在于试图将它与端点地址选择决策流程结合起来。
- The final piece of the pattern is to get the real endpoint address from the URL provider. 模式的最后一部分内容就是从URL提供程序中取得实际的端点地址。
- This sample does not use configuration to set the endpoint address, so this must be done in code. 此示例不使用配置来设置终结点地址,因此这必须通过代码完成。
- In the absence of any other actions on the part of the requestor, the default value is used as the endpoint address by the stub. 请求程序方面在缺少任何其它动作时,存根就将默认值用作端点地址。
- This WSDL combines the portType for the inbound service and the binding and endpoint address of the endpoint listener on the bus. 该WSDL在总线上组合入站服务的portType和端点侦听器的绑定和端点地址。
- The invoke method builds a SOAP envelope that contains your request and sends it off to the machine that you set as the endpoint address. invoke方法构建了一个SOAP信封,该信封包含您的请求并把它发送到您设置为端点地址的机器上。
- The wizard produces a number of server-side artifacts, including the skeleton and a new WSDL document with the proper service endpoint address. 向导生成许多服务器端构件,包括框架及新的有适当服务端点地址的WSDL文件。
- Based on these policies and desired interaction style, an appropriate endpoint address for the service invocation can be selected and the request can be routed appropriately. 基于这些策略和期望的交互类型,服务调用的一个适合的端点地址将被选择,从而请求将被正确的路由。
- The first choice is inflexible and can lead to deployment problems if the hardcoded endpoint address is not changed to the desired endpoint address prior to deployment. 第一个选择并不是十分灵活,并且如果那个默认的端点地址在开发之前没有被转变成所需要的端点地址的话,会导致一些开发的问题。
- The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 商号的名字和地址凸印在信笺上。
- Let me note down your address and telephone number. 让我记下你的地址和电话号码。
- Selection of the endpoint address, based on the interaction style 基于交互方式的端点地址选择
- I want to address a letter to a friend. 我要给一个朋友寄封信。