- endocarp crustaceous. 内果皮壳质。
- The endocarp is hardened before the final swell. 在果实最后膨大期以前内果皮变硬。
- Meeting crustaceous way is " bate " skin. 对付硬皮的办法就是“软化"皮肤。
- Fruit globose, ca. 6 mm in diam., endocarp woody. 果球状,直径约6毫米,内果皮木质。
- A story endocarp may or may not become free from the mesocarp. 坚硬的内果皮易于或不易与中果皮分离。
- We simply removed from the cracked endocarp with sterile tweezers. 我们简单地用消过毒的镊子从裂开的内果皮中取出种子。
- Seeds globose;testa crustaceous, with a fleshy coat. 种子球状壳质的种皮,有的一肉质种衣。
- Fruit a septicidal capsule, membranous, leathery, or crustaceous. 果为室间开裂蒴果,膜质,革质,或者壳质。
- Seeds ovoid;testa crustaceous, with thin fleshy coat. 种子卵球形壳质的种皮,有薄的肉质种皮。
- The stony endocarp of a drupe, as in a peach or cherry. 核果的石质内果皮,如桃和樱桃。
- The hard, woody endocarp enclosing the seed of a drupe. 核果中包裹种子的木质、坚硬内果皮。
- Fruit a succulent drupe, endocarp bony, mesocarp fleshy. 果一个肉质的的核果,内果皮骨质,中果皮肉质。
- Fruit a small globose drupe, endocarp bony, mesocarp fleshy, exocarp thin. 果一小球状核果,内果皮骨质,肉质的中果皮,瘦的外果皮。
- Achene ovoid, slightly compressed, with lustrous and crustaceous pericarp, enclosed by dry persistent perianth. 卵圆形的瘦果,稍压扁,有有光泽和壳质的果皮,藏于干燥的宿存花被。
- Sepals 5, semiorbicular, 1.5-2 mm, crustaceous, outside apically puberulent, margin membranous and ciliolate. 萼片5,半圆形,1.;5-2毫米,壳质,顶部在外面被微柔毛,边缘膜质和具短缘毛。
- After bubble is sufficient even crustaceous raze, if discover,cut should wrap up with dressing. 泡足后还要把硬皮刮去,如发现伤口要用敷料包扎。
- Drupe (pyrenocarp) A fleshy indehiscent fruit containing one or more seeds each surrounded by a hard stony wall, the endocarp. 核果(子囊壳):是一种肉质闭果,其内包含一枚或多枚种子,并且每粒种子包被着坚硬的壁,即内果皮。
- It is necessary to find other materials to replace copper as crustaceous material of water-lubricated bearing. 迫切需要找出替代铜做水润滑轴承外壳的材料。
- A fleshy, indehiscent fruit with a stony endocarp surrounding a usually single seed as in a peach or cherry. 不开裂的肉质果实,通常具单个种子并由石质内果皮包围,如桃子或樱桃。
- Fresh seeds have a fully-developed embryo and a water-permeable seed coat and endocarp, and they require >4 wk to germinate in a warm temperature regime. 新鲜种子具有发育完全的胚,以及水分可通透的种皮和内果皮,但它们却需要4周以上时间才开始发芽。