- The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it. 结束战争的最快的方法就是认输。
- In Iraq, we are responsibly ending a war. 在伊拉克,我们正负责任地结束这场战争。
- John Lennon The quickest way to end a war is to lose it. 结束战争最快的方法就是战败。
- When I am president, I will end a war in Iraq that I opposed from the start, give our troops and military families the support they have earned, and finish the fight in Afghanistan. 当我当选了总统,我会立即终止在伊拉克军事行动--这是场我从一开始就反对的战争。给予军队及其家属所应的补偿,并继续在阿富汗的行动。
- It was not a war that promised a conclusive end. 那并不是一场指望有决定性结果的战争。
- "A war to end war" became current. "用战争来结束战争"这个说法变得很流行。
- The necessary outcome of a war is a fall in production. 战争带来的必然结果就是生产力下降。
- It is not so much the award we have been given but rather the historic privilege we had of playing a role in ending a war. 并非指我们受奖,而是指我们能有机会参与促成终止战争这一历史性事件。
- That deal ended a war between north and south Sudan that had bloodily sputtered on and off for 50 years, killing some 2m Sudanese and displacing 4m more. 2005年签署的和平协议终止了北部苏丹与南部苏丹的一场战争,那持续了50年的血腥战争残杀了二百万苏丹人民,而多于四百万的人民流离失所。
- It take at least two to make a peace, but one can make a war. 一方燃起的战火,至少两方才能媾和。
- If a war broke out, many other countries will be affected. 一旦战争爆发,许多国家都要受到波及。
- She is from beginning to end a good friend. 她始终是个好朋友。
- It turns out in the end a fine day. 最后天转晴了。
- I am the Commander-in-Chief ofa country that's responsible for ending a war and working in anothertheater to confront a ruthless adversary that directly threatens theAmerican people and our allies. 我是一国之最高统帅,而这个国家有责任结束一场战争并在另一战场抗击直接威胁美国人民和盟国的无情的敌人。
- The government has pledged itself to wage a war against poverty and disease. 政府发誓要进行一场消灭贫穷和疾病的斗争。
- Full stop: Punctuation mark used to end a sentence. 句号:表示句子完结的标点符号。
- Full stop Punctuation mark used to end a sentence. 表示句子完结的标点符号。
- A civilian in wartime, especially one in a war zone. 平民战争时期的平民,尤指在战争区的平民
- Than the desperate desire to end a bickering match. 不是只为结束一个争论而产生的疯狂的想法。
- It appears as if a war will break out. 看来一场战争似即将爆发。