- Software defined radio enabling technologies II. 软件无线电技术与实现2。
- One of the major enabling technologies for constructing e-Commerce applications is the Object Web. 建构电子商务应用软体系统之主要关键技术之一为物件网路技术。
- How new sensing modalities and enabling technologies can create new forms of interactive experience and expression. 新感测模式与促成科技如何创造互动体验与表达的新型式。
- At MIT, the phrase Media Arts and Sciences signifies the study, invention and creative use of enabling technologies for understanding and expression by people and machines. 在麻省理工学院中,媒体艺术与科学专精于研究、发明和创意运用能增进人类与机械之间表达和理解的科技。
- Solar Electric Photo-Voltaic (PV) Power is one of the enabling technologies to solve the biggest political problem of the 21st Century: Energy Independence. 太阳能光电(PV)能源是21世纪一个最大的解决各方利益的办法:能源独立。
- The programme focuses on improving these flows in the supply chain by optimising business processes, organisational structures and enabling technologies. 该方案着眼于提高这些资金在供应链的优化业务流程,组织结构和有利的技术。
- The UHV DC testing site is the first testing site for experimental studies in key enabling technologies,environmental influences,insulation,radio interferences,etc. 特高压直流试验基地工程是为关键性技术、环境影响、绝缘特性、无线电干扰等方面提供试验研究的第1个特高压直流试验基地。
- The table below highlights the core products that comprise the EPM Solution, as well as required enabling technologies and recommended complementary products that an enterprise should consider. 下表重点介绍了构成EPM Solution的核心产品,以及企业应该考虑的必需的支撑技术和推荐的辅助产品。
- EDFA is a key enabling technology in the continual evolution to the all-optical network. 在继续向全光纤网络发展过程中,EDFA是一项关键的基础技术。
- SNMP is nowadays the key enabling technology, which is adopted widely in the management of datacom products, such as switches, routers etc. 是目前主流的嵌入式管理技术,广泛应用在交换机、路由器等产品中。
- Neches. Enabling technology for knowledge sharing [J]. AIMagazine, 1991,12(3):36-56. 朱礼军.;基于知识本体的语义信息检索框架设计[J]
- According to Cree, the all-SiC power switch module can be an enabling technology for next-generation military aircraft and future Army combat systems. 公司还表示,所有的碳化硅功率开关模块将可成为下一代军用飞机和未来陆军作战系统的使能技术。
- Grid computing is an enabling technology that allows organizations to easily consolidate, share, and manage IT resources in a distributed computing environment. 网格计算是一种开放技术,它使组织能够很容易地在分布计算环境中合并、共享及管理IT资源。
- Enabling technology as means for education and rehabilitation of people with special needs bares great potential for the development of special needs education. 运用教育技术和信息技术为有特殊需要人群提供教育、康复等相关服务的育能科技,将为特殊需要教育的发展提供了一个新的天地。
- Programmers typically focus so intently on the enabling technology that they don’t carefully consider the human actions required to operate the technology from a goal-directed point of view. 程序员通常有意地关注驱动器的技术,以至于他们不从目标导向的角度认真地考虑操作技术的人类行为。
- Described as an enabling technology for stranded reserves, the SMS reportedly offers reduced cost and modification to production and storage vessels, while also providing significant time savings. 作为系泊缆绳系统的高效技术,SMS据说能够节省生产储油船的成本维修工作量,同时也能够大大缩短作业时间。
- Research result shows that Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS) provide the paradigm, implementation method, and enabling technology for the planning of enterprise total solution. 研究结果表明,现代集成制造系统的理论和方法为制定企业整体解决方案提供了指导思想、实施方法和使能工具。
- Product Data Management(PDM) is a rising enabling technology that helps the company to achieve BPR,CE and CALS goals,but it still exists the problems of hard to implement of to maintain. PDM是一个正在兴起的以管理全企业产品生命周期数据和过程信息的,支持企业实现BPR、CE和CALS等新方法、新理念的关键使能技术,但也存在着应用实施难、维护难等问题。
- H. Ishizuka, J. C. Sung, M. Y. Tsai, PCD Planers for Dressing CMP Pads: the Enabling Technology for Manufacturing Future Moor's Law Semiconductors, CMP-MIC Conference, February, pp.291-298, 2007. 宋健民,多晶钻石刨平器:抛光垫的精密修整及硬度材料的延性切削,机械工业杂志,122-130页,2005年5月。