- empty nest aged people 空巢老人
- aged people of empty nest 空巢老人
- What is the "Syndrome of Empty Nest" of the aged? 什么是老年人的“空巢综合征”?
- Aged people are always envious of young people's energy. 上年纪的人总羡慕年轻人的精力。
- Presently they were in possession of Pannonia, the empty nest of the Vandals. 他们很快控制了潘诺尼亚,汪达尔人的空巢。
- Children all grew up and flew away, only left the empty nest behind. 孩子们都长大飞走了;只留下一个空洞的巢穴.
- The boy is always respectful to aged people. 这男孩对老人总是彬彬有礼。
- Apoplexia most occur in middle aged people. 中风多数发生在中老年人当中。
- In Germany, the book club not only by those Aiting German folk music, traditional thinking on the empty nest welcome the elderly, for any age group, family members are attractive enough. 而在德国,书友会不仅受到那些爱听德国民乐、持传统思想的空巢老人的欢迎,对于任何一个年龄层的家庭成员都有足够的吸引力。
- Island were the Old Stone Age people. 最早来到这个遥远的岛屿的是旧石器时代的人。
- Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents or other guardian relatives may feel when their children leave home. 空巢家庭综合症是指在孩子离开家后,父母或其他有监护权的亲戚会普遍产生的一种孤独感。
- Aged people are always envious of young people rs energy. 上年纪的人总羡慕年轻人的精力。
- Mr.Johnston, 58-year-old son last year to get married, he lives with his wife to enter the "empty nest" period, you want to carry out financial planning. 庄先生,58岁,儿子去年结婚,他与老伴生活进入“空巢期”,想要进行理财规划。
- The aged people like to look back upon the old days. 上了年纪的人喜欢回顾过去的日子。
- Throu gh many investigations in Beijing and Shanghai,the author analyses characteristics of empty nest family and points out basic demand for construction of amicable housing in China. 通过对北京和上海大量调查研究,分析了我国空巢家庭的特点,指出我国亲情住宅建设的基本要求。
- China need to establish a rural endowment insurance system as soon as possible, as70 percent of aged people lived in rural areas and a large number of them turn to be" empty nesters", a leading expert said Saturday. 周六,一位一流专家说,因为中国70%25的老年人居住在乡下,他们中绝大部分人家徒四壁,中国必须尽可能快地建立起农村的养老保险制度。
- The Bronze Age people left behind many material witnesses to their culture. 青铜时代的人遗留下许多足以说明其文化的文物。
- American experts and scholars visited the service for the aged people. 美国专家学者考察社区为老服务。
- Community care of senile people With empty nest Syndrome 老年空巢综合征的社区护理
- Special taBles are availaBle here with health cuisine for aged people. 本餐厅特设老年人专桌,为您提供保健菜肴。