- He asked for a donation but went away empty handed. 他请求人们捐款,但离开时却一无所获!
- She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers. 她的漫谈栏侧重于十几岁的青少年。
- An empty stomach is not a good political adviser. 空肚子不是政治上的好顾问。
- The baker empty several bags of flour into a bin. 面包师把几袋面粉倒入贮藏箱里。
- Don't always indulge in empty talk. 别总是纸上谈兵。
- His footsteps echoed (in the empty hall). 他的脚步声(在空荡荡的大堂里)产生了回声。
- I had to empty out the drawer to find the papers. 我不得不倒出抽屉的东西以找出那些文件。
- These words are empty of meaning. 这些话毫无意义。
- He used to write a column for this newspaper. 他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。
- The old empty house soon went to rack and ruin. 这所旧的空房子很快就毁坏了。
- His column is syndicated throughout the world. 他的专栏文章通过报业辛迪加在世界许多报刊上发表。
- Don't build on his empty promises. 不要指靠他的空洞诺言。
- He has an empty purse, but a free heart. 他身上没有钱,但心里无忧无虑。
- The column is surmounted by a statue. 柱顶上树立了一尊雕像。
- Look, there are two empty seats over there. 瞧,那儿有两个空位置。
- Nelson's Column is a famous monument in London. 纳尔逊纪念碑是伦敦著名的纪念碑。
- The empty house has fallen into decay. 那座空房已成一片颓垣。
- He always read the sports column in the Times. 他总是阅读《泰晤士报》的体育栏。
- It's not good to drink on an empty stomach. 空腹喝酒不好。
- The seat on my right side is empty. 我右首的座位无人坐。