- Burke said: "It is not France extending a foreign empire over other nations: it is a sect aiming at universal empire, and beginning with the conquest of France". 伯克说:“并不是法国要将她的帝国扩展到别的国家:而是有一撮人意欲建立一个全球的帝国,并从征服法国开始。”
- The progress in material science that created this vast steamboat-and-railway republic of America and spread this precarious British steamship empire over the world produced quite other effects upon the congested nations upon the continent of Europe. 物质科学的进步既创造了美国这样一个幅员辽阔、汽船加铁路的共和国,使朝不保夕的大不列颠轮船帝国遍布全世界,同时又对欧洲大陆上人口密集的众多国家产生了完全不同的影响。
- She once ruled over a vast empire. 她曾统治过一个版图辽阔的帝国。
- Rome held sway over a huge empire for several hundred years. 罗马统治着一个巨大的帝国长达几百年。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已经对他所说的很不耐烦了。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一块肩巾。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- What made the Roman Empire decay? 罗马帝国为何衰亡?
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- Have you read another epic about the Roman Empire? 你读过另一部关于罗马帝国的史诗吗?
- The brook warbled over its rocky bed. 小溪潺潺流过多石的河床。
- He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire. 他开始只经营一家小工厂,如今已成为一个石油大企业的头儿。
- I fell off my bike and went arse over tit. 我跌下自行车,一头号栽到地上。
- A provincial governor in the Ottoman Empire. 贝伊奥托曼帝国的地方长官
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。
- The ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire. 总督拜占庭帝国一个省的统治者
- The sailboat keeled over in the storm. 帆船在风暴中倾覆了。