- However, Reminiscence is an emotional element;its expression method must lead the customers' eyes and sentiment to the package that the stylist wants to ex... 然而,怀旧作为情感要素,其表达的方式又必须在设计师的巧妙安排下,将消费者的视线,情感转移到他所要表达的包装上来。
- Likewise, they found in renowned Argentinean director Alejandro Agresti, "The ability to capture an emotional element that is missing from so many films in general. 找对了编剧改编,然后便要找合适的导演将剧本映画化。
- Writers entrust l anguage to its original intention, manifest the emotional element of speech soun ds, fresh the meaning of vocabulary and depart from the conventional pattern of grammar. 作家的这种赋予主要表现在:回到语言的原意中去,在语音上开掘情感要素,在词汇上推陈出新,在语法上不落窠臼等各个方面。
- He will appear to you as you know him because there are necessary emotional elements that are uniquely his own. 他将以你们所知道的形象向你们显现,因为其中有必需的他自己独有的感情因素。
- With the development of humanistic psychology, such emotional elements as anxiety have been attached more and more importance. 摘要随着人本主义心理学的发展,焦虑等情感因素越来越受到重视。
- Exhumate the "customer mentality", emotional resistance", molding &colors and tactile preference of product in order to deeply explore the emotional elements of product contents. 发掘产品的“使用者心理”、“情绪反抗”、“造型色彩”、“质感的偏好”以深入探讨产品语意间的情绪因素。
- Many people,particularly today,claim that man cannot live by logic alone,that there's the emotional element of his nature to consider,and that they rely on the guidance of their emotions. 很多人,尤其是如今的人们,宣称人不能仅靠逻辑生存,还必须考虑人天性中的情感成分,人需要依靠情感来指引方向。
- This documentary focuses on humanism. Although the world becomes more and more modern, people's emotional elements are still followed tenaciously, which make this documentary show its continuous impact. 这是一部人文内涵丰富的影片。在变得越来越现代化的世界里,人类的情感元素都顽强地沿袭着。这一发现,使影片具有绵长的冲击力。
- Exhumate the “customer mentality”, emotional resistance”, molding &colors and tactile preference of product in order to deeply explore the emotional elements of product contents. 发掘产品的“使用者心理”、“情绪反抗”、“造型色彩”、“质感的偏好”以深入探讨产品语意间的情绪因素。
- The Heritage Series Heresy II three-way loudspeaker delivers an exceptionally "big" sound filled with the moving, emotional elements that make your music such an important part of your life. 传统系列异端二三路扬声器提供了一个非常“大”的声音充满了感人,情感因素,使你的音乐这样一个重要组成部分,你的生活。
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。
- She had a major emotional upset. 她情绪上受到了沉重的打击。
- She sang an emotional song about love and death. 她唱了一首关于爱情和死亡的动人的歌曲。
- He's in his element when playing badminton. 他打起羽毛球来真是得心应手。
- This heater needs a new element. 这个加热器需要一组新电阻丝。
- Women are often said to be more emotional than men. 人们常说女人比男人更富于感情。
- Her emotional appeal left him completely cold. 她虽动情,他却无动於衷。
- I'm out of my element in political discussions. 我不喜欢参加政治讨论。
- Intense, contagious emotional excitement. 触电感十分强烈的有感染力的兴奋感
- Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我对电脑的维修保养很在行。