- Immediately following the first attack,I implemented our government's emergency response plans. 第一次袭击刚一发生,我就立即启动政府各项应付紧急事件的计划。
- Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government's emergency response plans. 第一次袭击刚一发生,我就立即启动政府各项应付紧急事件的计划。
- Develop and maintain emergency response plans for epidemic illnesses, and occupational injuries, including Avian Flu emergency preparedness program. 建立与维持紧急医疗反应程序以确保传染性疾病及职业性损伤的合理处理,包括禽流感预防程序。
- Develop and implement occupational health related emergency response plan, such as SARS, Bird flu, etc. 制定和执行职业健康有关的应急响应计划,如SARS,禽流感等。
- No new young cretin has been found during or since the initiation of the Emergency Response Plan in 2007. 自从2007年紧急反应计划实施以来,还没有发现新的年轻白痴病患者。
- Maintain a calendar/reminder/log system to ensure timely review and submittal of facility EHS permit applications, surveys, reports, notifications and emergency response plans. 建立工厂有关环境,健康和安全的适用许可证年检,调查,监督和报告等的跟踪提醒系统,制定紧急响应计划。
- To accomplish drilling and modification of Emergency Response Plan concerning XIANGFAN Manufactory Propane Warehouse and Wuhan Manufactory Oil Depot. 完成了襄樊工厂丙烷库、武汉工厂总装油库应急预案演练及预案的修订。
- Ensure emergency preparedness and response including review and update emergency response plan periodically; oversee Emergency Respond Team's training and correspond. 确定突发事件准备和反应。
- The objectives that were set by ESI and MSCAA were aimed at gaining a better understanding the AEP, identifying opportunities for training, achieving a change in attitude in and about the over all emergency response plan for Memphis International Airport. 由应急服务国际公司与孟菲斯-谢尔比郡机场当局设定的目的就是要在孟菲斯国际机场更好地?解机场应急计划,确定培训的需求,达成改变对于所有应急反应计划的态度。
- Aksu Intermediary Stations Depot launched the emergency response plan immediately after an unprecedented snow hit Aksu on February 24th. Railway Staff clearing snow on the platform of Aksu Station. 2月24日,一场罕见的大雪席卷阿克苏地区。阿克苏车务段立即启动应急预案,部署安排全段各站抗击雪灾。图为阿克苏站职工在清扫站台积雪。
- We analyzed the effectiveness of emergency response planning for sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in a large cohort of US high schools that had onsite AED programs. 我们在具有自动体外除颤器规划的美国高中大型人群中分析了紧急响应计划对心脏骤停事件的效果。
- Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan 联邦放射线紧急反应计划
- Emergency response plan scenario for destructive earthquake 地震应急预案
- Introduction to Emergency Response Planning 应急响应策划介绍
- Emergency response of Chemical or HAZMAT Incidents. 化学品事故紧急应变。
- Hanford site emergency response needs, vol.1 and 2. 汉福特场地应急响应要求,第1和2卷...[中国核科技信息与经济研究院
- Station Emergency response plans or procedures for situations including DG accidents and incidents 各航站相应的危险品事故或事件应急处置程序
- Guidelines for enterprises to develop emergency response plan for work place accidents 生产经营单位安全生产事故应急预案编制导则
- The Risk Source Identification and the Emergency Response Plan of the Construction of Caisson Engineering 挖孔桩工程施工风险源识别及应急预案
- Key problems on developing and revising the urban emergency response plan of destructive earthquakes 城市破坏性地震应急预案的编制与修订要点探讨