- emergency ministerial meeting 部长级紧急会议
- In this connection,this Ministerial Meeting issued a separate Declaration. 因此,此次部长会议出台了一个有关于此的单独宣言。
- In this connection, this Ministerial Meeting issued a separate Declaration. 因此,此次部长会议出台了一个有关于此的单独宣言:
- Q: A short time ago, Beijing hosted the Sino-African Cooperation Forum Ministerial Meeting. 问:前不久中非合作论坛部长级会议在北京举行。
- A: The WTO ministerial meeting held in Doha last November initiated a new round of multilateral trading negotiations. 石广生:去年11月,世贸组织第四届部长级会议在多哈举行,启动了新一轮多边贸易谈判。
- I am most delighted to host this closing lunch in honour of the participants in the Informal Ministerial Meeting. 我很高兴主持今天的闭幕午宴,向参与这次非正式部长级会议的朋友致意。
- Trade Policy Review Mechanism took its shape during the "Mid-term Review" by Ministerial Meeting in Montreal, Canada. 贸易政策评审机制产生于1989年加拿大蒙特利尔举行的乌拉圭回合中期评审会议上。
- The meeting was preceded by the Eleventh APEC Ministerial Meeting, at which the HKSAR was represented by the Secretary for Trade and Industry. 在是次会议前举行的第十一届亚太经合组织部长级会议,香港特区由工商局局长代表出席。
- In terms of achievement,last week's ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing ,grade. 说到成就;上周在此召开的世贸部长级会议虽说算不上失败;但打分的话分数也只能是个低分.
- Thereinto, The China-Japan-South Korea Economic and Trade Ministerial Meeting officially launched in September 2002. 其中,中日韩经贸部长会议于2002年9月启动,至今已举行五次会议。
- December 17 Oran in Algeria at the OPEC ministerial meeting is an occasion to make major decisions. 12月17日在阿尔及利亚奥兰举行的欧佩克部长级会议才是作出重大决定的场合。
- A pan-African ministerial meeting held in March this year in Maputo, Mozambique marked a turning point. 2007年3月在莫桑比克首都马普托举办的全非部长级会议标志了一个转折点。
- The meeting was preceded by the Eleventh APEC Ministerial Meeting,at which the HKSAR was represented by the Secretary for Trade and Industry. 在是次会议前举行的第十一届亚太经合组织部长级会议,香港特区由工商局局长代表出席。
- Q: The current ministerial meeting of China, the Laos, Myanmar and Thailand on drug control has drawn extensive attention. 问:此次中、老、缅、泰四国禁毒合作部长会议十分引人注目。
- Achievement, last week's ministerial meeting of the WTO here camed a low, though not failing, grade. A.In terms of B.In case of B. As a result of D. 部长级会议虽然没有失败,但是收效甚微。
- He demanded OPEC members make right decisions and seek a consensus in the forthcoming ministerial meeting in the western Algerian town of Oran. 他要求欧佩克成员在奥兰的西方阿尔及利亚的城镇中即将到来的部长级会议会议中做出正确决定和寻找一一致意见.
- Trying to resolve this contradiction under TRIPS, the Doha Declaration was passed at the WTO ministerial meeting held in Doha. 为了在TRIPS框架下解决这一矛盾,多哈部长级会议上通过了《公共健康宣言》。
- U.S. top nuclear negotiator Christopher Hill is mobbed by the press at ASEAN ministerial meeting in Singapore, July 22, 2008. 7月22日,在新加坡参加东盟峰会的美国负责朝核问题的首席谈判代表希尔被记者团团围住。
- OPEC later this month on the 9th ministerial meeting in Vienna to discuss the international oil market changes and production policy. 欧佩克将于本月9日在维也纳召开部长级会议,讨论国际原油市场变化及产量政策。
- The initial talks will focus on the itinerary of the meeting, dates and other details of the North Korean proposal of holding ministerial meeting in Seoul. 初步的会谈将讨论会谈的议程、日期以及北韩提议在汉城举行部长级会谈的其他细节。