- Disaster relief emergency fund appropriation mechanism. 救灾应急资金拨付机制。
- Keeping six months'worth of salary in a savings account as an emergency fund. 钱要投资生钱,不要呆放在银行里。
- United Nations Children's Fund (formerly United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). 联合国儿童基金(以前为联合国国际儿童紧急基金)
- United Nations Children's Fund(formerly United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). 联合国儿童基金(以前为联合国国际儿童紧急基金)
- Build an emergency fund: As you attack your debt, remember to put away a small amount for the rainy day. 准备一个急救资金:当你着手于你的负债时,记住要先挪出少许钱以备有需要的时候用。
- Some schools say they have an emergency fund they can dip into if family finances are really tight. 一些学校称,如果有学生家庭经济状况确实拮据的话,他们可以启动应急基金。
- The leaders agreed to set up a regional emergency fund, and called on the private sector and donors to contribute to the fund and provide other aid. 领导人同意设立区域紧急资金,并呼吁私营部分和捐款人捐献资金和提供其他援助。
- In addition, WWF established a Tiger Emergency Fund, supported the Tiger Conservation Program in India, and worked in the Russian Far East. 此外,WWF建立了一个老虎紧急救助基会,支持印度的老虎保护计划,并在俄罗斯远东地区开展了工作。
- You should not go to your emergency fund if you overspend in a category.Instead you should look to your budget to find the extra money. 一个预算项目的金额花完,你不能动用紧急基金去弥补,而应该向预算本身找余钱。
- In 2004 the Brazilian government donated US$1 million to Guinea to be included in the so-called Emergency Fund for Economic management of Guinea Bissau. 2004年,巴西政府向几比的经济管理“紧急基金”捐赠了100万美元。
- In southern parts of the country, like Iraq's second largest city, Basra, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)is working to repair the damage caused by fighting. 在包括伊拉克第二大城市巴士拉的南部地区,联合国儿童基金会正在修复被战争毁坏的设施。
- Red Cross statistics show that in 2007 and 2008, around 60 percent of all requests for assistance from its emergency fund were directly or indirectly related to outbreaks of acute diarrheal diseases. 红十字会的统计显示,在2007和2008年,在向红十字会提出给予紧急经费援助的所有要求中,大约60%25直接或间接同急性腹泻性疾病有关。
- Please contribute to our Emergency Funds so that we can continue our rescue work. 所以我们恳请各位捐助我们的医急医疗基金,以便我们可以继续这些拯救工作。
- Prior year Emergency Fund balance; 上年度紧急基金结余;
- United Nations Refugee Emergency Fund 联合国难民紧急救援基金会
- In his letter, Harkin points out that in past, USDA provided emergency funds to control crop diseases and to assist farmers sustaining losses from crop diseases. 哈金在信中还指出,以前农业部曾通过紧急拨款来控制作物疾病,帮助农民避免损失。
- Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer told Australian Broadcasting Corporation Monday Canberra is providing more than $7 million in emergency funds. 澳大利亚外长唐纳星期一对“澳大利亚广播公司”说,堪培拉正在提供7百多万美元的紧急基金。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- Please locate the nearest emergency exit. 请指明最靠近的太平门位置。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。