- A DP is Mr. XXX and we have emergency communication network, so we can contact him at any time. 指定人员是XXX先生,我们有应急通讯网络,以便能随时与之联系。
- DP is Mr. XXX and we have emergency communication network, so we can contact him at any time. 指定人员是XXX先生,我们有应急通讯网络,以便能随时与之联系。
- Emergency Communication System is outlined firstly, including network stfucture, PRN system, low-layer protocols and frame format . 本文首先介绍了应急机动部队综合通信系统概况,包括网络结构、分组无线网体制、低层通信协议以及分组格式。
- The management about the emergency communication exercises the dual management the macromanagement by government and the management by enterprises operation. 应急通信管理目前实行的是政府宏观管理与企业经营运作管理的双重管理模式。
- In order to emergency communication and monitoring system problem, a new and feasible introduced the conception and structure of satellite sensor networks. 摘要针对应急通信系统的需求,提出了一种基于卫星传感器网络的应急监测与通信系统。
- What consoles gratifyingly, the government Department responsible for the work will have established even more, the consummation emergency communication mechanism to propose the agenda. 令人欣慰的是,政府主管部门已将建立更加、完善的应急通信机制提上了议事日程。
- We contact our company through emergency communication network included in SOPEP(and/or Emergency response procedures) and all related personnel's communication network is identified. 我们通过SOPEP(和/或应急反应程序)中所列的应急通讯网络,与公司联系,所有相关人员的通讯网络已在其中标明。
- Simulations show that the MOLA can satisfy the performance needs of Emergency communications and monitoring system to localization. 仿真结果表明,该定位算法能够满足应急通信与监测系统对定位性能的需要。
- Terri Minogue, a senior dispatcher at the Santa Cruz Consolidated Emergency Communications Center, remembers a 911 call from a man who said there were two dead bodies in a car. 美国加州圣克鲁斯紧急情况联合通讯中心的高级警力调派员特里·米诺格表示,他记得一名男人打来911电话称在一辆汽车中发现了两具尸体。
- Emergency Communication, To Build a New Brand 机动通信打造新的业务品牌
- And across the country, that means improving coordination among different agencies, modernizing our emergency communications, and helping families plan for a crisis. 在全国,这意味著改善不同机构之间的协调,建设应急通信现代化,为帮助家庭建立危机应变计画。
- Application of Railway Emergency Communication 浅谈铁路应急抢险通信方式及运用
- vehicle - borne emergency communication system 车载应急通信系统
- Aeronautical Emergency Communication System Plan 航空紧急通信系统计划
- Please locate the nearest emergency exit. 请指明最靠近的太平门位置。
- traffic emergency communication system 交通应急通信系统
- emergency communication support situation 应急通信保障情况
- She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency. 她有处变不惊的本事。
- A reflected signal on a communication channel. 一种在通信信道上反射回来的信号。
- You should only use this door in an emergency. 在紧急情况下才能使用这扇门。