- Function: Air Drop a random kill streak or ammo. 功能:随机空投连胜杀死或弹药。
- Cylinder cabinets need emergency air exhaust devices. 建议气瓶柜增设事故排风装置。
- They are requesting air drop of foodstuffs to the flooded area. 他们要求对洪灾地区空投食品。
- They are requesting air drops of foodstuffs to the flooded areas. 他们要求对洪灾地区空投食品。
- Pictures in the China Daily show him saluting to the crowd after Mr Chen fell on to the partially filled emergency air cushion. 中国日报里的图片显示他(译者注:指赖先生),在陈先生掉到部分充气的紧急气垫后,向人群敬礼。
- Set up emergency air cushions outside the building 在楼宇外放置紧急逃生垫
- Parachute Retro-Rocket Air Drop System 降落伞制动火箭空投系统
- Emergency Air Staff Actions Program 紧急航空参谋行动计划
- Controlled Air Drop Cargo System 受控空投货物系统
- Naval Emergency Air Cargo Delivery System 海军紧急空运货物交付系统
- The Indian Air Force (IAF) was not used for any offensive action and was only confined to air dropping supplies to the troops. 印度空军只参加了空投补给的行动,没有进行任何攻击行动。
- Still, unless the generals relent, the attempt is worth making, because air drops might still save some lives, even though many are doomed. 如果军政府仍然态度强硬,空投就值得一试,虽然大部分灾民仍然难逃厄运,但还是能挽救很多生命。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- If an aerosol counter is used to monitor the concentration of particles in the emerging air, one finds that the concentration falls off with decreasing flow rate. 如果用一台气溶胶计数器检测射出气流中的粒子浓度,就会发现浓度随流速的降低而减少。
- Please locate the nearest emergency exit. 请指明最靠近的太平门位置。
- Unless, heaven forfend, an attempt were made to take over the administration of Myanmar, which would involve an armed invasion, the action would be confined to air drops. 上帝当然不希望看到任何颠覆缅甸政权的手段,这样做会伴随着武装入侵,以此解决问题的办法只能空投物资。
- She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency. 她有处变不惊的本事。
- The AOB is a lightweight surface buoy with a vertical array of acoustic receivers and temperature sensors to be air dropped or land deployed from a small boat. AOB是装有垂直声接收器阵和数个温度传感器的轻型水面浮标,它可空投或者由人工从小船上布放。
- You should only use this door in an emergency. 在紧急情况下才能使用这扇门。