- emergence rate of maize 玉米出苗率
- Increasing wheat seeding rate decreased the emergence rate of crabgrass. 抑制程度随克生物质量的增加而加强。
- Fig. 2. Cumulative emergence rate of Bemisia argentifolii, originating from three groups of host plant, on six weeds. 图源类作物的银叶粉虱在六种杂草的累积羽化率.
- Four essential materials of maize were used to study proformances of early progenies in four characters, ear length, number of kernal rows, ear height and rate of green leaves. 本文利用四个基本材料,探讨了玉米果穗长短、粒行多少、穗位高低、植株绿叶率四对性状的早代系表现。
- The allelopathlc effect was concn-dependent, that is, diluting the extract increased the emergence rate of crabgrass comparing with the original extract. 在小麦全生育期中,苗期-灌浆期水提液克生能力较强,收获后的植株水提液克生能力降低;
- Maize starch was mechanically activated by a stirring-type ball mill.The effect of mechanical activation on the amylose content and translucent rate of maize starch was studied. 摘要采用搅拌球磨机对玉米淀粉进行机械活化,研究了机械活化时玉米淀粉的直链淀粉含量及透光率的影响。
- The big ear character, high rate of grain, plant height and ear height should be payed more attention to when selection and breeding of maize inbred lines were conducted. 指出在自交系选育过程中应注重对中大穗类型的选择,同时要求具有较高的出籽率和适当的株高和穗位高。
- Effects of Soil Water Contents on Seedlings Emergence Rate and Seeding growth of Maize 土壤含水量对玉米出苗率及苗期生长的影响
- Emergence rate of Metasequoia glyptostroboides in plastic shed increased to 1.1%,and also 1. 1% for seedling setting rate. Average seedling height and rhizome diameter reached 73cm and 1.2cm. 采用塑膜棚培育水杉实生苗,出苗率提高到1.;1%25,成苗率从几乎是零提高到1
- The highest mutant rate of DI generation from the combination of maize inbred lines 12-9-10 Bangladesh super sweet maize inbred lines (DNA) was 1.22% , the result: 19h>21h>17h> 23h. 组合孟加拉超甜玉米x糯玉米12一9一10自交系(DNA)的外源DNA导入效果:1 gh)2 lh>1 7h、2 3h,其中1 gh处理的变异率最高,1.;22%25。
- The drying method and the reasonable technology process had a very tremendous impact on the quality of maize,and the breakdown rate of dried maize is an important index for maize quality. 玉米收获后需干燥至安全水分后储藏,干燥方式及合理的工艺过程对干燥品质有很大的影响,玉米干燥后的爆腰率是其品质的重要指标。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?
- The key of maize gain high yield is ensuring plentiful sum grain numbers, enhancing dry matter accumulation after silking stage, increasing rate of grain formed, boosting up source and enlarging sink. 高密度下群体源不足是产量提高的主要限制因素,保证一定总粒数,增加吐丝后干物质积累量,提高成粒率,强源促库是玉米高产的关键。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- The life cycle of maize is that of a typical angiosperm. 玉米的生活史是被子植物中比较典型的。
- Grey correlative degree analysis of seed vigor and emergence rate of seedling sin sweet maize 甜玉米种子活力与田间出苗率的灰色关联度分析
- The rate of incidence of a disease. 发病率发生疾病的概率
- The rate of inflation must be held down. 通货膨胀率必须控制在低水平上。
- The rate of pay was built into her contract. 工资率已写进了她的合同。
- The rate of growth was unprecedented. 这个成长率是前所未有的。