- emblems carved in bas - relief 浮雕的纹章
- An ornament carved in low relief. 浮雕装饰刻在浅浮雕上的装饰
- To make into or like a gem or shell carved in relief. 制成或使之象一块用去除材料法镂刻的宝石或贝壳.
- emblems carved in bas-relief 浮雕的纹章
- The monument is carved in marble. 这个纪念碑是用大理石刻成的。
- His little face is carved in pained, red wood. 他的小脸刻在痛苦的红木上。
- In the background, a bas relief illustrating the sports disciplines from Antiquity.Behind, a Greek temple. 背景图案为浅浮雕,展示古代体育竞赛分项,浮雕后面是一座希腊神庙。
- People should remember that our proposals aren't carved in stone. 人们应记住我们的建议并非板上钉钉。
- Is considered the biggest of characters carved in stone at Putuo. 被称为普陀山最大的石刻文字。
- The edifice is covered by ornate and colorful molding, pilasters (pseudo columns), and arches, many of which contain bas relief sculptures. 整座建筑遍布绚丽多彩的壁柱和拱顶。上面还有大量的浮雕。
- Some of the Moai carved in the quarry are as much as 165 tons. 一些摩艾雕像挖出来就有165吨。
- The two characters "Chibi" (Red Cliff) are clearly carved in it. 赤壁位于长江中游,离西北蒲祈县38公里,是古代三国和三峡旅游重要的景点之一。
- A gem or shell carved in relief, especially one in which the raised design and the background consist of layers of contrasting colors. 石雕或贝雕用去除材料法镂刻的宝石或贝壳,尤其指那些图案凸起且背景由多层对比色组成的雕塑
- The young man carved a figure in low relief. 这个年轻人刻了一座浅浮雕人像。
- In Roman times, Agate intaglio (a gem carved in negative relief) signet rings were particularly popular. 在罗马时代,玛瑙凹雕(阴雕玉)图章戒指也特别受到了人们的垂青。
- She carves in both stone and wood. 她既做石雕也做木雕。
- Cameo glass: Glassware decorated with figures and forms in coloured glass carved in relief against a glass Background of a contrasting colour. 宝石玻璃: 用彩色玻璃雕刻的图案或造型装饰在色彩对比鲜明底色上的玻璃器皿。
- Could I look ai that jade carving in the showcase? 能看看橱窗里那玉雕吗?
- The detection and control function of lighting system and its control mode in BAS are introduced briefly. 简述了建筑设备监控系统中照明系统的检测与控制功能及控制方式。
- Carved in relief with mythical animals and saints, it is surprising is its unique design there is still a very desirable, this is a pattern astronauts. 在浮雕上雕刻着神话中的动物和圣徒,令人惊奇的是其上还有一个特殊的图案格外吸引人,这是一个太空人的图案。