- President Rutherford Hayes met the first Chinese embassy staff to America. 拉瑟福德·海斯总统接见中国第一任驻美大使馆成员。
- The government would shave its 50-member embassy staff in Lebanon down to about 30 people. 政府将把驻黎巴嫩大使馆的人员从50 名减到30 名。
- And to express best wishes to Your excellency on behalf of all the members of my Embassy staff and in my own name. 并谨代表我使馆全体人员以及我个人的名义向阁下致以最良好的祝愿。
- The British population in China in those days was very small. Apart from the embassy staff, there were one or two journalists here in Beijing and that was it. 当时,在中国的英国人不是很多,除了大使之外,北京只有一两个新闻记者,更别说别的地方了。
- Iran arrested 9 members of the British Embassy staff, one week ago, for allegedly fomenting unrest, releasing all but two, amid condemnation by the European Union. 伊朗一星期前逮捕了九名英国使馆人员,所控罪名是挑起动乱。在欧盟的谴责下,其中七人获释,但是两人仍然在押。
- Russia has been evacuating some of its embassy staff and military personnel from Georgia after four Russian intelligence officers were charged with spying by Georgia. 俄罗斯已经从格鲁吉亚撤回其部分使馆人员和军事人员,在四名俄罗斯军方情报官员被控从事间谍活动后。
- "The embassy staff were moved to the Coalition Provisional Authority headquarters after information of a credible threat of attack," the spokesman said. 发言人称;“收到一个会遭到恐怖袭击的确定消息后;大使馆的所有人员已经搬迁到一个临时的联合总部上班.;”
- abdomen girth 腹围
- The headteacher of a group of schoolchildren hospitalised and quarantined in China over swine flu fears has attacked British embassy staff for a slow and "disappointing" response. 一群英国学生因疑似猪流感而在中国住院隔离,他们的负责老师指责英国大使馆反应迟钝、“令人失望”。
- In the reports of the protests and demonstrations by the American media,the inconvenience suffered by and the anxiety of the US embassy staff were played up,and the demonstrations were seen as a big threat. 美国媒体在报道示威抗议时,并将使馆人员因此而造成的不便与不安,夸大处理,示威活动俨然变成了很具威胁性的事情。
- In the reports of the protests and demonstrations by the American media, the inconvenience suffered by and the anxiety of the US embassy staff were played up, and the demonstrations were seen as a big threat. 美国媒体在报道示威抗议时,并将使馆人员因此而造成的不便与不安,夸大处理,示威活动俨然变成了很具威胁性的事情。
- The U. S. State Department on Thursday warned of potential terrorist attacks in Uzbekistan and gave permission for some of its embassy staff and their families to leave the country. 美国务院,周四警告说,乌境内有可能发生恐怖袭击,并且应准使馆部分工作人员以及家人离开该国。
- Chinese embassy staffs hold a welcome banner and flags as the Olympic torch flame arrives at Haneda Airport in Tokyo Friday morning, April 25, 2008. 日本东京羽田机场,中国使馆工作人员打出欢迎奥运圣火的横幅和旗帜。
- the temporary recall of embassy staff 使馆人员的临时召回.
- withdraw the families of the embassy staff 撤走使馆人员家属
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- The consulate was upgraded to embassy status. 该领事馆已升格为大使馆。
- I regret having to make so many staff redundant. 我很遗憾不得不裁减这么多职员。
- He works at the American Embassy in Moscow. 他在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。
- An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff. 一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。