- embanked levees 堤围
- Reporters were often invited to levees. 新闻记者常被邀参加接见会。
- The pressure on dams and levees are very strong. 大坝与河堤的压力非常大。
- Levees will help cities on river tiles. 防洪堤帮助那些建在河边的城市,增加他们的工业。
- Does building levees prevent floods? 盖堤防就可防水灾吗?
- Authorities are keeping a close eye on levees. 官方正在密切关注防洪堤的状况。
- Splays are commonly formed by currents from crevasses in levees. 嗽叭形堆积通常由堤防决口的洪流所形成。
- It has already broken through a number of levees across Missouri. 洪水已经冲垮了密西西比河上的数座堤坝。
- Many dams and levees need seepage treatment in our country. 我国有许多大坝和堤防需要进行防渗处理。
- Quis dixisti jugummeum, Suave est, et onusmeum leve. 你曾说过我的轭是甘饴的,我的担子是轻松的。
- Quis dixisti jugummeum, Suave est, et onusmeum leve. 你曾说过我的轭是甘饴的,我的担子是轻松的。
- Quis dixisti jugummeum,Suave est,et onusmeum leve. 你曾说过我的轭是甘饴的,我的担子是轻松的.
- Please leve a message for me after a "beep" inour imagination.... 请在心中默想一声"哔"之后留下你的讯息....
- Achievements that enable progress to move to the next leve. 从前一阶段发展到下一阶段所应达到的目标。
- A long,narrow ditch embanked with its own soil and used for concealment and protection in warfare. 战壕一种用于战时的隐蔽和防护的狭长沟渠,用从沟中挖出的泥土防护
- New buildings include Public Transportation, Industrial Parks, and Levees. 新建筑包括公交系统、工业园、防洪堤。
- The new manager embanked the company governance as soon as he took the position. 新经理一上任便着手抓公司治理。
- A long, narrow ditch embanked with its own soil and used for concealment and protection in warfare. 战壕一种用于战时的隐蔽和防护的狭长沟渠,用从沟中挖出的泥土防护
- Some of these levees are higher and longer than the Great Wall of China. 在这些大堤中,有些比中国的长城还要高还要长。