- Democracy is a major condition for emancipating the mind. 民主是解放思想的重要条件。
- Do away with superstitions and emancipate the mind. 破除迷信,解放思想。
- So it is necessary to establish a methodology for "emancipating the mind". 因此,很有必要确立一套科学的解放思想的方法论。
- The history of Marxism fully shows that the principle of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts leads to great social progress. 马克思主义的发展史充分说明: 解放思想、实事求是,是引导社会前进的强大力量。
- Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time. 坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时。
- Around the time of emancipating the mind will be put in prominent Pojiulixin, pioneering and innovative. 各地在提出解放思想时都会突出破旧立新、开拓创新。
- Emancipating the mind and run through the infiltration of socialism with Chinese characteristics in all levels. 解放思想贯穿于渗透于中国特色社会主义的各个层面。
- The Party brings the thought of keeping emancipating the mind into the theme of the seventeenth congress. 摘要党的十七大把“继续解放思想”直接纳入大会的主题。
- Emancipating the mind is a forerunner for higher institutions to develop all their undertakings. 摘要解放思想是高校推进一切事业发展的先导。
- In China, the history of the reform and opening-up can be considered as the history of emancipating the mind. 摘要十一届三中全会以来30年的改革开放史,也是解放思想的历史。
- Guo Shengkun according to the secretary of "emancipating the mind, in the final analysis is to speed up development. 要按照郭声琨书记关于“解放思想,归根结底是为了加快发展。
- Second, persevering in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and keeping pace with the times. 第二,坚持解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进。
- Firstly, unscramble the thought of keeping emancipating the mind in a scientific point of view and understand the new meaning and request inside. 首先,要科学解读“继续解放思想”的观点,深刻领悟其中的新意蕴或新要求;
- In this process, "emancipating the mind" and "seeking the truth from thefact", which are the soul of Marxism, run like a real thread through it. 在这一过程里,解放思想,实事求是作为马克思主义的灵魂,它像一条红线贯穿其中。
- For emancipating the mind, Mao Zedong stood by Da-ming, Da-fang, Da-bian-lun and Da-zi-bao, but Deng Xiaoping stood by democracy and legal system. 邓小平主张通过民主和法制的形式,达到解放思想;毛泽东强调解放思想,全国出现了短暂的但对经济发展具有很大破坏性的“大跃进”运动。
- Therefore, emancipating the mind can not be done through criticizing another thought, but through practice and living of the mass. 解放思想并不是通过一种思想对另一种思想的批判来完成的,而是通过实践活动、通过大众的生活过程来实现的。
- County Party Committee Party School of Communications Group, to each township to the topic of emancipating the mind of propaganda. 县委党校组成宣传小组,到每个乡镇进行解放思想的专题宣讲。
- Only stickingto health trends can we construct the loose environment of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts. 只有讲正气,才能营造解放思想、实事求是的宽松环境。
- The process of the reform and opening up over the past 30 years is the process of always upholding the essence and constantly emancipating the mind. 我国30年改革开放的进程就是始终坚持中国特色社会主义理论体系精髓、不断解放思想的历程。
- For implementing the strategy of revitalizing the country with science and education,vocational educational development must undergo stages of emancipating the mind,stressing ... 为了进一步实施科教兴国战略,职业教育发展必须进一步解放思想、突出特色、创新机制,加快自身发展步伐。