- A small elaborated element of a work of art, craft, or design. 细节艺术,雕刻或设计作品的微小精细之处
- An imaginary line to which elements of a work of art, such as a picture, are referred for measurement or symmetry. 中轴线相对于某些要求测量或对称的文艺作品的一条假想线,如绘画
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- Panel shower panel, in art, either one element of a multi-element piece of art, such as a triptych, a piece of sequential art such as a graphic novel or comic strip. 从公布国内项目由我负责管理后,我把国内的主要技术主管调到北京进行布线,让他们学习模板的应用及体系的流程。
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。
- An appreciation of art will enrich your life. 艺术欣赏将会丰富你的生活
- Python in order to revive the art, Rowland tried to let the combination of art and fashion, the elements of Python "transplanted" to the bracelets, necklaces, rings and other jewelry on. 为了振兴微雕艺术,罗兰尝试让这门艺术与时尚结合,将微雕元素“移植”到手链、项链、戒指等饰品上。
- In a certain way, works of art are pointing out elements of our innermost being.That's how cubism and surrealism brought along new psychological concepts and led people to reconsider about themselves. 某种程度上讲,艺术有指点内心的意义,比如组合派、超现实主义,诞生了一些心理学的东西,让人审视自身。
- He has many friends in the world of art. 他在艺术界有很多朋友。
- There's an element of truth in his story. 他说的有些道理。
- She is capable of judging works of art. 她有鉴赏艺术品的能力。
- Every form of art has its limitations. 每种艺术形式都有本身的局限。
- The central supporting element of a whole. 基础、主旨整体的一个中心基本原则
- As he grew older, his appreciation of art grew. 随著年龄的增长,他对艺术的鉴赏力也提高了。
- An outstanding work of art or craft. 一个引人注目的艺术品或工艺品
- The movable control element of such a device. 栓塞这种装置的可移动的控制部分
- Key decisions; the key element of the thesis. 意义重大的结论; 论文的中心成分
- Use of contrasting elements in a work of art. 对照法艺术作品中对比主题的运用
- The city contains schools of art, law, medicine and science. 城里有艺术学校、法律学校、医科以及理工科学校。
- What a sensational story! It has all the elements of a soap opera. 多麽耸人听闻的事! 具备连续剧的一切要素。