- Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their Representation by V.S. 最重要的李群、李代数参考书;
- The main work of this paper is to study the RDS-type Lie Algebra. 本论文的主要工作就是对RDS型李代数进行研究。
- Humphreys, Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory, SpringerVerlag, GTM. 标准的李代数入门教材。
- All finite-dimensional path lie algebras are solvable and their Cartan subalgebras of them are obtained. 给出了有限维路李代数均可解的结论和所有的卡当子代数;
- Modern algebras, Homological algebras, Representation theory of algebras, Lie algebras, Hopf algebras. 教课领域:近世代数, 同调代数, 代数表示, 李代数,Hopf代数;
- Finally, the solvability of a kind of infinite-dimensional path Lie algebras is disscussed. 最后,对一类无限维路李代数可解的条件作了探讨。
- On Polynomial Representations of Lie Algebras, Zhuo Chen, Long-Guang He and De-shou Zhong , N.E. Math J. to appear. 半单李代数的单纯作用,陈酌与祁玉海,数学年刊,刊印中.
- In this paper, we study the subalgebra structure of the general linear Lie algebras over commutative rings. 摘要本文研究了含幺可换环上一般线性李代数的子代数结构。
- In this paper, we construct a class of indecomposable solvable Lie algebras of dimension 5 with the simplest filiform nilradicals over complex field. 摘要构造了复数域上维数为5的以最简线状李代数为幂零根基的不可分解可解李代数。
- The first half of the book deals with classification of the finite dimensional simple Lie algebras and of their finite dimensional irreducible representations. 书的上半部分涉及有限维简单的谎话代数和他们的有限维不能降低的表现的分类。
- In terms of solvability of a matrix Lie algebra,new simple delay-independent stability criteria are presented. 从矩阵李代数可解性角度,推导出新的简单的时滞独立稳定性判据。
- Let D_(l+1)(R) be the orthogonal Lie algebra over a commutative ring R with 2 invertible and m_1 an l+ 1 upper triangular matrix. 设D_(l+1)(R)表示2为单位交换环R上的2(l+1)阶正交李代数。 若记m_1是R上的l+1阶三角矩阵,而是D_(l+1)(R)可解子代数。
- It is proved that the Frattini subalgebra of a complete Lie algebra with abelian nilpotent radical is the zero subalgebra. 证明了特征零代数闭域上的具有交换幂零根基的完备Lie代数的Fratini子代数为零。
- Towers([1]) brought up a question :"If L is a Lie algebra all of whose nilpotent subalgebras are abelian , does L split over each of its ideals? 提出一个问题:“如果李代数L的所有幂零子代数都是交换子代数,那么L是否在它的每个理想上可分?
- Based on a non-solvable matrix Lie algebra L, the derivations and automorphisms of L were studied by the multiplication operation of block matrix. 摘要以一类非可解矩阵李代数L为研究对象,利用分块矩阵的乘法运算,对L的导子及自同构进行了研究。
- In this artical,we will expound only the application of group theory,particularly the Liegroup and Lie algebra,and topology to partical physics. 本文仅就纯粹数学中的群论,特别是李群和李代数以及拓扑学这两个分支在粒子物理学中的应用加以研究,以揭示数学在现代物理学中的重要作用。
- This paper proves that any dipolarization in a real or complex semisimple Lie algebra is symmetric. Thus a complete answer to the open problem in reference[2] is gaven. 本文证明半单李代数上的任何双极化都是对称的,从而解决了金行壮二于1993年提出的一个待解的问题.;并给出了有关结果的一些应用
- In section 2, we firstly give the relationship between the involutionary automorphism of Lie algebra and standard imbedding Lie algebra of Lie triple system. 其中包括李三系的子系、理想、单李三系、可解、半单、标准嵌入李代数以及李三系的同态等。
- My son is studying at an elementary school. 我儿子在一家小学上学。
- Abstract: This paper proves that any dipolarization in a real or complex semisimple Lie algebra is symmetric. Thus a complete answer to the open problem in reference[2] is gaven. 文摘:本文证明半单李代数上的任何双极化都是对称的,从而解决了金行壮二于1993年提出的一个待解的问题.;并给出了有关结果的一些应用