- There's an element of truth in his story. 他说的有些道理。
- The central supporting element of a whole. 基础、主旨整体的一个中心基本原则
- The movable control element of such a device. 栓塞这种装置的可移动的控制部分
- Key decisions; the key element of the thesis. 意义重大的结论; 论文的中心成分
- They could run 2,000 gallons of engine oil a day. 他们一天能提炼 2 000加仑机油。
- The element of risk gave (an) added zest to the adventure. 这种冒险成分更给探险活动平添几分乐趣。
- There's always an element of danger in mountain climbing. 登山总是有些危险的。
- Because of engine trouble the plane have to make an emergency landing. 由於发动机出现故障,飞机不得不紧急著陆。
- Honesty, industry and kindness are element of a good life. 诚实,勤奋和善良是良善的生活要素。
- We'll deliver the first batch of engine next month. 我们将于下月出发第一批发动机。
- I try to add an element of suspense and mystery to my novel. 我试图给我的小说增加一点悬念和神秘的色彩。
- Hoisting test of engine room crane. 机舱行车吊重试验。
- A storage cell; an element of data storage that can hold one bit. 一个存储单元; 保存一位二进制数的数据存储单元。
- That bridge was a miracle of engineering. 那座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹。
- The craft did not crash because of engine failure. 飞行器并非因引擎故障而坠毁。
- This is the most advanced type of engine available. 这是现有最先进的一种引擎。
- Experience of Engine parts inspection area. 发动机零部件检查经验。
- There is an element of truth in what you say. 你的话有些真实性。
- Experience of Metallurgy test of engine parts. 发动机金相检查经验。
- What type of engine did you have on your last ship? 您上一次做的船是什么型号的柴油机?