- electrostatic ignition source 静电着火源
- Please keep away from any ignition source or flammable product when your oxygen is on. 吸氧时请您注意不要接触火源
- If the length of gas-air mixture is flowing in tunneling lane and a ignition source exists in explosible gas-air . 风筒风量越大,可爆混气段越长,如果有火源,爆炸产生的压力越大。
- Fine dust dispersed in air in sufficient concentrations, and in the presence of an ignition source is a potential dust explosion hazard. 醋酸钠粉尘在空气中达到一定的密度,或在有明火源的情况下,有可能引起爆炸。
- Perforated dasher keeps contents safe from ignition sources. 有铰链的盖子可减少挥发及溅漏。
- The fatalness on fire/explosion hazards for dangerous chemicals was analyzed from three aspects including flammable chemicals, ignition source and combustion-supporting materials. 从可燃化学品、点火源、助燃物三个方面进行了危险化学品的火灾爆炸危险性的分析,应采取措施限制和消除这三方面之间的相互作用,防止火灾爆炸事故的发生。
- Assessment of the ignitability of mattresses and upholstered bed bases.Part 1 : ignition source. 家具.;软垫和床板可燃性评定
- If it can be done safely, move and isolate any problem cylinder in a well-ventilated area free from any ignition sources. 如果确信安全的话,把任何问题钢瓶移动和隔离在没有任何火源的通风良好的区域。
- Those fires may start due to released flammable substances by uncontrolled ignition sources. 渗漏的可燃物质由无法控制的火源引起的火灾。
- Extinguish all smoking materials, flames, or other ignition sources in working or storage areas. 在工作或贮存地方必须消除熄灭任何冒烟物质,火焰,或其他引火源。
- Post prominent signs in such an area that warn of potential fire hazards and the need for elimination of any ignition sources. 在这样的地方张贴醒目的标志,警告该地方存在起火的危险和需要消灭任何火源。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- Store in a cool, well - ventilated area: keep away from ignition sources, heat and flame. Store in a tightly closed container. Incompatibilities; oxidants and food. 储存于阴凉,通风的库房内,远离火种,热源,保持容器密封,应与氧化剂,食用化学品分开存放。
- The principal emergency action to take with oxidizers is isolation of the leaking cylinder in a well-ventilated area free from any combustibles and ignition sources. 处理同氧化剂有关的紧急情况应该采取的行动是把正在泄漏的钢瓶隔离在没有任何可燃物和火源的通风良好的区域。
- When work cannot be moved practically, as in most construction work, the area shall be made safe by removing combustibles or protecting combustibles from ignition sources. 当工作不能转移时,正如大部分施工中一样,应通过转移可燃物或保护可燃物接触着火源,使该区域安全。
- My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要来源。
- The ignition of the forest was caused by lightning. 森林起火是由雷电引起的。
- Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。
- The sun is the ultimate source of energy. 太阳是能量的最基本来源。