- This article introduced some experiences of the development of the electronic process practice in SCUT. 摘要介绍了该校电子工艺实习室12年来的发展实践所取得的一些经验;
- Discussion on Electronic Process Practice 电子工艺实习实践探讨
- The electronic processing practice of the Yanshan University has improved greatly in the recent years and forms our characters. 摘要近几年燕山大学电子工艺实习基地发展迅速,形成了特色,但在实践中还存在一些问题。
- electronics process practice 电子工艺
- electronic process practice 电子工艺
- It introduces the process practice of peroxide bleaching one bath process in a large voluminous kier. 用煮漂一浴法取代传统的煮练、漂白两浴两步法,对全棉纱线进行前处理。
- electronic processing practice 电子工艺实习
- In this paper,the author introduces the main eq uipm ent and technology of short cycle production line,and also em p hasizes process practice on hot-readjusting trial and development of steel grad es. 叙述了五钢短流程生产线的主体设备特点和工艺流程,热调试生产工艺及品种开发工作。
- An electronic process in which more machinery provides more people with more time to be bored. 用更多的机械让更多的人有更多的时间感到无聊的一种电子化过程。
- Prior to the electronic process, lawyers would call and ask permission to retain a specific expert. 在这个电子程序(采用)之前,律师将打电话请求批准雇用一个特定的专家。
- Our stock information come from the worldwide electron processing manufactures factory directly with their unremitting support. 我们的库存资讯直接来源于全球各地电子加工厂给予不懈的支援。
- It dealed with the processing practice for weaving sateen towel fabric on common jacquard loom and the problems occurred during the manufacture processes. 就利用国产普通提花织机织造缎档毛巾织物进行了论述,对各工序应注意的问题进行了探讨。
- The engineer caught on with a big electronics body. 这位工程师被一家大电子集团所雇用。
- Xinwen Ma, Shujin Wang, Huiping Liu, et. Al. A coincidence experimental setup for investigating multiple electron processes [J]. Science in Chi na. 1998 A41:296. 马新文;刘惠萍;王树金;等.;多电子转移研究的符合关联实验测量系统[J]
- Technique and processing practice, market investigation and study, visits to exhibitions and museums, studio project design, internship, graduation design and thesis. 生产实习、市场调研、展览和博物馆参观、工作室项目设计、服装企业实习、毕业设计论文等环节。
- The electronic processes in BLMs were confirmed by the BLM doped with C60. 通过对富勒烯修饰的BLM膜系统的电子特性的研究,我们证实了在暗态下BLM膜中的电子传输过程,对膜内电子传输过程建立了合理模型。
- The history of Hirudo processing was systematically analyzed.The purpose of the first processing practice is to remove the rotten-fish-like smell and even improve the smell. 对水蛭古今药用炮制历史进行了整理分析,指出水蛭最初的炮制意图是去腥矫味。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。
- The new process extracts oil from shale. 这一新过程可从页岩里提炼出石油。