- electronic medical retard 电子病历
- Single Photon and Electron Medical Lineal Accelerator, 2sets. 单光子带电子医用直线加速器,2台。
- Dual Photon and Electron Medical Lineal Accelerator,2sets. 双光子带电子医用直线加速器,2台。
- Yes. KP has a full scale IT strategy, of which electronic medical records is a vital component. 、kp是否在集团内制定了统一的电子病历战略和策略?如果没有,那么又是如何进行管理的?
- As the core of a digitalized hospital, electronic medical records have drawn considerable public attention. 作为数字化医院的核心,电子病历受到社会的广泛关注。
- The article exposes the influential factors of electronic medical record to legal value. 本文探讨了电子病案法律价值的影响因素。
- Electronic Medical Record (EMR), one of the core contents of medical information management, is the inexorable trend of hospital information process. 电子病历是医院信息化进程中的必然趋势。
- The standard electronic medical record observes the HL7V3 standard, its CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) messages are expressed with XML. 标准电子病历遵守HL7V3标准,其CDA消息结构用XML表示。
- With the use of electronic medical record in some hospitals, the problem of primitiveness of electronic medical record are appearing. 我国某些医院已在应用电子病历,电子病历原始性问题随之产生。
- His ideas met with guffaws from the old lags of the industry, who have seen many fancy schemes for electronic medical records fall flat. 他的想法遭到了业内保守人士的哄笑,因为他们见过许多提倡电子医疗记录的妙想方案最终搁浅。
- The management of Electronic medical record puts forward new requirements to the management of the papery medical records. 电子病案的管理方式对纸质病案管理提出了新的要求。
- The electronic medical record(EMR)of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)was a new object with the development of informatization hospital. 中医电子病历是伴随着国内医院信息化进程而发展起来的新生事物。
- CLinical Accounting InforMation (CLAIM) is a standard for the exchange of data between patient accounting systems and electronic medical record (EMR) systems. CLinical Accounting InforMation(CLAIM)是日本开发的电子病历系统与医务结算系统间的数据交换规格。
- This paper has expounded the fact that adopts the method that artificial intelligence and data excavate through the Electronic Medical Record of Chinese medicine. 本文以中医电子病历的数据为基础;运用人工智能和数据挖掘的方法.;对中医专家的经验进行总结;并对实现方法作了一些探讨。
- Hospital Information System(HIS)is the symbol of digital hospital,not least Electronic Medical Record(EMR)as one of the important components contributes to this system. 医院信息系统(HIS)是数字化医院的象征,电子病历(EMR)则是医院信息系统的重要组成部分之一。
- The drive toward greater use of e-prescribing and electronic medical records is part of Obama's plans for a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system. 促进电子处方和电子医疗保记录的广泛应用是奥巴马彻底治理美国保健系统计划的一部分。
- The template is conformed with HL7 Clinical Document Architecture and is given the name, Taiwan electronic Medical record templates, abbreviated as TMT. 由于电子病?v涉及医院电脑化,具有高度复杂性,对电子病?v也缺乏完整一致的认?,尽管在各方面均取得了各种进展,但完整的电子病?v系统尚没有建立起?怼
- The Federal Communications Commission has een warned that electronic medical deices in hospitals may be shut down by electromagnetic waes from cell phones. 联邦通讯委员会已经警告说手机的电磁波可以造成医院的电子医疗设备停用。
- Brailer, who was appointed to his post at the Department of Health and Human Services in 2004 under an executive order to achieve "widespread deployment" of electronic medical records within 10 years. 2004年,拜勒博士在(美国)卫生部就一项“十年内普及电子病案”的执行动议中提到:“总统推崇这一计划”。
- Helen became an electronic engineer. 海伦成了一名电子工程师。