- electrometer tubp [电] 静电计管
- An electrometer is a highly refined DC multimeter. 静电计是一种高度精密的直流多用测量仪表。
- Main Control Unit, two-channel electrometer and servo controller. 主控制器单元,带有两通道静电计和伺服控制器。
- Figure 1-26 is a block diagram of a typical digital electrometer. 图1-26为典型数字式静电计的方框图。其模拟部分与前面讨论的电路类似。
- Figure 2-33 shows the electrometer ohmmeter measuring a resistance (R). 图2-33示出静电计欧姆计测量电阻(R)的情况。
- The instrument consists of an argon-filled well type ionization chamber, a MOSFET electrometer and a Z80 microcomputer. 本文介绍的智能化核素活度计由充氩井型电离室、MOS场效应管静电计测量头和Z80微型计算机组成。
- It can be readily measured, however, with an electrometer by using the technique described in Section VI-B. 它可以用静电计轻而易举地测定,其使用方法如第六节B所述。
- Figure 1-18 shows the basic configuration of an alternative form of electrometer ohmmeter. 图1-18示出另一种形式的静电计欧姆计的基本电路结构。
- The resistors (RL) are current limiting resistors used to protect the switches and electrometer from high current. 电阻器(RL)是电流限制电阻器,用来保护开关和静电计不受大电流的损害。
- See Section 2.6.6 for details on appropriate cabling and connector types for electrometer measurements. 有关静电计测量时恰当的电缆和连接器类型的详细情况,请见第2.;6
- Since the voltage burden of the electrometer ammeter or picoammeter is less than 1mV, the diodes won't conduct. 由于静电计、安培计或皮安计的输入端压降小于1mV,这两个二极管不会导通。
- The ohmmeter uses an internal current source and electrometer voltmeter to make the measurement. 欧姆计使用内部的电流源和静电计电压表来进行测量。
- Refer to the instrument's instruction manual for information on a particular electrometer's internal damping feature. 关于特定静电计内部衰减电路的性能,请参阅该仪器的操作手册。
- Therefore, a voltmeter with high input resistance, such as an electrometer, is required. 所以需要使用具有高输入电阻的电压表,例如静电计。
- When using the electrometer ohmmeter, measurement accuracy can be affected by a variety of factors. 使用静电计欧姆计时,测量准确度会受到各种因素的影响。
- This can be checked by observing the analog output of the electrometer or picoammeter with an oscilloscope. 用示波器观察静电计或皮安计的模拟输出,可以对此进行检查。
- More information on the measurement procedure can be found in the instruction manual of the electrometer. 有关测量方法的更详细的信息可以在静电计的操作手册中找到。
- Picoammeters and SMUs also have very low input bias currents, although usually not as low as an electrometer's. 皮安计和SMU也具有很低的输入偏置电流,但是通常没有静电计低。
- The basic configuration for measuring capacitance with a Model 6517A Electrometer is shown in Figure 4-35. 使用6517A型静电计进行电容测量的基本配置如图4-35所示。
- The coulombmeter function of the electrometer measures charge by integrating the input current. 在其输入级的反馈回路中使用了一个积分电容器。