- Electromagnetic forming technology is a new typemetal operating style. 电磁成型技术是一种新型金属加工工艺。
- Electromagnetic forming is applied to the powder material compaction,and Cu powder is compacted with solenoid coil. 将电磁成形技术用于粉末材料致密,利用螺线管线圈对铜粉进行了致密试验。
- Electromagnetic forming(EMF) is one of the most widely used high-energy forming techniques. 电磁成形是目前应用最广泛的高能率成形方法之一。
- The commutated power of charge pump type was put forward, combined with the technical control demands of electromagnetic forming machine. 结合电磁成形机工艺控制要求,提出了以稳流整流为主,并最终稳压的“电荷泵”式整流电源。
- Electromagnetic forming was applied to the powder material compaction, and PZT powder was compacted with low-voltage electromagnetic compaction. 将电磁成形技术用于粉末材料致密度研究中,以PZT粉末为研究对象,对其进行低电压电磁压制成形。
- Electromagnetic forming(EMF) technology is a new type of metal plastic processing technology of high efficiency,whose characteristics make it more economical and practical. 电磁成形技术是一种新型的高能率金属塑性加工技术,具有较高的经济性和实用性。
- By fitting electromagnetic form factor data of nucleon with theVDM and quark theory, toponium mass and top quark mass areestimated. 本文应用VDM模型和夸克理论拟合核子电磁形状因子实验数据,估算了顶夸克偶素的质量和顶夸克质量。
- As a high-enenrgy and high-rate technology,the electromagnetic forming technology has inapproachable advantages over the conventional forming technology in industrial production and applys widely . 电磁成形技术作为高能、高效率技术有着传统成形方法不能比拟的优越性,在工业生产中应用十分广泛。
- Our results should be considered to reinterpret the results of lattice gauge calculation and it can be directly used to extrapolate space-like nucleon electromagnetic form factors to the chiral limit. 结果发现核子的电磁形状因子随着夸克质量变化会发生明显的变化,特别在夸克手征质量附近核子形状因子呈现非常强的非线性效应。
- Abstract: Aluminum alloys present higher formability under electromagnetic forming, so this opens up a broad application prospect for electromagnetic forming in auto industries. 摘 要: 电磁成形可明显提高铝合金的的成形性,因此在汽车工业中有广泛的应用前景。
- Aluminum alloys present higher formability under electromagnetic forming,so this opens up a broad application prospect for electromagnetic forming in auto industries. 电磁成形可明显提高铝合金的的成形性,因此在汽车工业中有广泛的应用前景。
- The theory research on electromagnetic forming is related to electromagnetics and plasticity dynamics. 电磁成形理论涉及电磁学与塑性动力学,磁压力研究是其理论研究的基本问题之一。
- nucleon electromagnetic form factor 核子电磁形状因子
- Electromagnetic wave travel as light wave do. 电磁波的传播就像光波的传播一样。
- A device used to modulate an electromagnetic wave. 调制器用以调制电磁波的装置
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- The script is massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
- Selfishness in any form is my pet aversion. 我最讨厌自私自利,不管它以什么形式出现。