- Melt Flow in Electric Melting Furnace 全电熔窑内玻璃液的流动
- All Electric Melting Furnace of Day Tank 日池式全电熔窑
- electric melting furnace for magnesia 电熔镁
- Corrosion of Electrodos by Glass Melt in Electric Melting Furnace 电熔时玻璃液对电极的作用
- Discussion and Study on Electric Melting Furnace for Glass Ceramics 微晶玻璃电熔窑的研究设计及探讨
- Discussion on Melting Technique for Minitype Glass Electric Melting Furnace 超小型玻璃电熔窑的熔制工艺探讨
- An Approach to Preparation and Cyclic Utilization of Cooling Water for Electric Melting Furnace 玻璃电熔窑冷却水的制备和循环利用初探
- Keywords all electric melting furnace;electrode;transformer;power;adjustable transformator; 全电熔窑;电极;变压器;功率;可调变压器;
- all electric melting furnace 全电熔窑
- electric melting furnace 电熔炉
- Only one preheating furnace can suffice all melting furnace's use. 一台预热炉就可以满足所有熔炼炉用料。
- An environmentally friendly melting furnace using clean energy as fuel. 采用纯净能源为燃料。
- Content of the project: set up a new plant which occupies 2,500 m2;add a electric energy-saving melting furnace;add 2 production lines of porcelain-like heat-resistant glass dishware. 项目介绍:项目内容:新建厂房2500平方米,新增全电熔节能窑炉1座、仿白瓷耐热玻璃餐具生产线2条。
- The line is composed of hot gas generator, melting furnace and annealing furnace in series. 研制成功一种新型烧煤的炉组,由热煤气炉、熔化炉和退火炉串联组成。
- Moye courageously jump in the fire, Jin Pin melting furnace, and finally cast a pair of male and female Shuangjian. 莫邪奋勇纵身火中,炉中金铁销熔,终于铸成了一对雌雄双剑。
- The forming condition of crystal and closed pore in tabular alundum produced with electric melting is estimated and determined theoretically. 从原理上判断和估计了电熔板状刚玉结晶体和阔气孔的形成条件。
- With capasity of 1mt / hour and and so a coreless copper induction melting furnace with 600 kg / hour capacity. 生产能力为1公吨/小时而且无核铜熔炼窑有600公斤/小时的生产能力。
- Among these formulations, 90Nd/7 is applied incold engineering scale electric melting test performed at KfK-INE in Germany. 其中,90Nd/7配方已成功地用于在德国KfK-INE进行的电熔炉法玻璃固化工程规模冷台架试验。
- Adding 2 types of 125kgVacuum Melting Furnace, another international Vacuum Furnace for 500 kg. 添置国内先进“125公斤真空熔炼炉”2台。引进国际先进“500公斤真空熔炼炉”1台。