- It said there was no evidence of systematic electoral fraud. 据说没有证据表明选举过程存在舞弊。
- Most Iranians believe electoral fraud has occurred on a massive scale. 大部分伊朗人认为在很大的层面上发生了竞选欺骗。
- In May a constitutional tribunal created by the junta found the TRT guilty of electoral fraud and dissolved it. 五月份一场由一小撮人组织的宪法审判判定泰爱泰党犯有选举舞弊罪并将之解散。
- Eg This reduced the scope for electoral fraud and led to a smooth transfer of power. 这就减少了选举作弊的机会,使得权力交接顺利进行。
- Now, after more than a week of massive street protests by defiant Iranians alleging electoral fraud, sentiment in Israel is shifting. 现在,在经过了一个多礼拜大规模的游行示威后,以色列的立场正在转移。
- Tone-deaf to the outrage in the West at the widespread electoral fraud, Mr Karzai has not even denounced those who cheated on his behalf. 西方国家对选举中存在的大规模舞弊怨声载道,卡尔扎伊却对此充耳不闻,甚至没有谴责本团队中的舞弊者;
- Once he posed as standing above the electoral fray, but he has now firmly come down on the side of repression and electoral fraud. 他就选举摩擦做过一次公正的表态,但是现在他坚定的站在压制民众的选举舞弊者一边。
- Philippine lawmaker frustrated by rampant electoral fraud has proposed legislation to get the names of the dead off voter rolls. 因对持续猖獗的选举舞弊现象深恶痛绝,菲律宾一位立吉普赛人读心术法人士提议通过立法除去选民名单中亡故人员的名字。
- During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U. 在第110届国会会期内,他协助编纂了关于游说和选举诈骗,气候变化,核恐怖活动以及帮助退伍军人的法案。
- He is accused because offending electoral law. 他因被指控触犯选举法而遭逮捕。
- The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。
- Have you got your name on the electoral register? 你的名字已登记在选民名册上了吗?
- They are pushing for electoral reform. 他们迫切要求改革选举制度。
- This hair-tonic is a fraud; I'm as bald as ever. 这生发剂是骗人的玩艺,我还是和以前一样秃。
- The two opposition parties made an electoral pact. 这两个反对党达成了一项关于在选举中进行合作的协议。
- Investigation of fraud was their commission. 调查诈欺舞弊是他们的任务。
- The plaintiff accused the defendant of fraud. 原告指控被告欺诈。
- We will introduce legal safeguards against fraud. 我们要采取法律保护措施,制止诈骗活动。
- Fraud, violence, war at home and abroad were rife. 欺诈、暴力、对内对外的战争四处猖獗。
- He vowed that he would prosecute them for fraud. 他郑重宣布将起诉他们犯有欺诈罪。