- elective course aerobics 健美操选项课
- The elective course can meet the students' different demands and give impetus to the realization of the cours... 体育选项课对体育教学的组织管理、教师的业务素质、考核与评价方法以及场地、器材和设备等方面提出了更高的要求。
- In college, English is a required course and psychology is an elective course. 在大学里,英语是必修课而心理学是选修课。
- Most of the students of our class take Japanese as an elective course. 我们班大部分同学选修日语。
- Geological English is an elective course for the students who major in Geology. 地质专业英语是地学领域生最主要的选修课之一。
- He took Private International Law as an elective course this semester. 这个学期,他选修了国际私法的课程。
- Most of the students of our class take European history as an elective course. 我们班大部分同学选修欧洲史。
- In addition to their required counrses, high school and college students may choose elective course. 除了必修的课程之外,高中生与大学生也会选修一些课程。
- Elective courses are the ones that you get to choose for yourself. 选修课则是你替你自己所选的课程。
- Plant Tissue Culture is an elective course for students from agronomy, horticulture and biotechnology speciality in our university. 植物组织培养课程是我校农学、艺和生物技术等本科专业的一门专业选修课。
- In elective courses, subjects are made for the students. 在选修课程中,设计一些专题供学生选修。
- Considerations on reform of Wushu elective course teaching in common institutes of P.E. 对普通高校武术选项课教学改革的思考。
- This is a elective course based on the study of the thoughts of Marx on historiography. 摘要“马克思史学思想研究”是根据作者多年精心研究而设计的一门选修课程。
- It concluded that it is feasible to launch bicycle sport elective course in Xianning University. 有广泛的群众基础。咸宁学院大学体育开展自行车选项课是完全可行的。
- This course is the Bachelor's Degree elective course of science majors. It is for juniors. 本课程是为三年级学生开设的选修课,要求已经通过六级考试。
- In this fall, the high school first launched the course as an elective course for first-year student. 今秋开学,该校准备先在高一年级推行,作为一门选修课。
- The elective course of value and the growth of youth Ren Bishi is the result of both the guidance of Marxism and the nurturing of Xiang Chu culture. 任弼时的价值选择和他的成长既是十月革命炮声的震荡、克思主义引导的结果,也是湘楚文化土壤,尤其是湘学学风熏陶、染和滋润的结果。
- I take elective courses also because I like those teachers and their lectures. 我选一些课还因为我喜欢那些任课教师以及他们的课.
- It is a successful attempt of foreign language teaching reform in Dalian to offer English and take Japanese as an elective course in middle schools. 在中学开设英语并选修日语,是大连市外语教学改革的一项成功尝试。
- Printing Design (2-2-3) elective course The goal is to realize the basic principle and design of screen-printing engineering for polymer materials. 网页设计(2-2-3)选修旨在了解网版制版印染之基本原理与设计。