- Nine blood biochemical indices of White Leghorn Line S220 chicks at age of 8 and 12 weeks were tested. The phenotypic and genetic correlations between these indices and egg laying performance as well as heritabilities of these indexes were estimated. 测定了8、12周龄S220母雏9项血液生化指标,估测其遗传力及其与产蛋性能间的表型相关和遗传相关。
- Effects of organic rare earth fumarate adding in diets for layers on egg laying performance in later laying period 饲粮中添加富马酸有机稀土对蛋鸡后期产蛋性能的影响
- Egg Laying Performance and Endocrine Function Involved in Hens at Late Laying Stage 日粮添喂大豆黄酮影响产蛋后期母鸡的生产性能和相关内分泌变化
- The effect of high-efficiency feed additive of egg-promoting upon egg laying performance of layer 鸡高效催蛋剂对蛋鸡产蛋性能的影响
- Effect of feed fat on egg laying performance and serum levels of GH and IGF-1 in Shaoxing ducks 饲用脂肪对产蛋后期绍兴鸭生产性能及血清GH和IGF-1水平的影响
- Effect of daidzein on egg laying performance and hormone levels in serum of Shaoxing ducks during the late stage of egg production cycle 大豆黄酮对产蛋后期绍兴鸭生产性能及血清中一些激素水平的影响
- egg laying performance 产蛋能力
- Effects of bacitracin and chlortetracycline on laying performance and egg quality and approach to its mechanism in aging hens. 杆菌肽锌和金霉素对蛋鸡产蛋性能和蛋品质的影响机理。
- Effect of high-level zinc ration on laying performance of laying ducks and zine content of duck egg and duck egg quality. 高锌饲粮对蛋鸭产蛋性能蛋锌含量以及蛋品质的影响。
- Hatchling sex ratio at this beach possibly depends on the date of egg laying. 雉龟的性别比则可能受到产卵的时间所决定。
- The lack of a good nesting spot can cause some females to withhold egg laying, with dangerous consequences. 因为没有良好的产卵地点的话会使某些雌性拒绝产卵,而这会导致危险的后果。”
- Egg laying peaks are found twice a day. One is at dawn and the otherafter the activity peak in the evening. 蚊群当黄昏活动高峰后和黎明时各出现一次产卵高峰。
- Egg laying peaks were twice a day. One was at dawn and the other after the activity peak in the evening. 每d有两次产卵高峰,分别为黎明和夜晚活动高峰后;
- That is a result calculated by the scientific research department through mutual modification of breeding rate, egg laying rate, hatchability and survival rate surveyed. 这是科研部门用测得的繁殖率、产卵率、孵化率、成活率等因素互为修正得出的结果。
- Compared with positive control group, replacement of 70% dietary di-calcium phosphorous with 300FTU/kg phytase had no adverse effect on laying performance. 结果表明 ,添加 3 0 0FTU/Kg植酸酶替代产蛋鸭高峰饲料中 70%25磷酸氢钙时就可保持产蛋鸭的生产性能不变。
- The laying performance were 15.95kg, 16.07kg and 16.30 kg and FCE, 2.58, 2.53 and 2.51, respectively for the three groups, during the seventy-two-week laying period. 总蛋重各为(H.;H)15
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- It was found that the egg diameter(D) showed a ten dency to relate positively to the body size of the egg laying females, and was correlated negatively with the field sea water temperature (t), being fitted by D=atb. 卵径大小(D)似与产卵雌体大小呈正相关; 而与海区水温(t)呈负相关,并可拟合为D=a·t~b。
- For Silkies without broody occurrence in the first half egg laying cycle, PRLR3 and PRLR6 did not influence egg production traits including age at first egg, weight of first egg, egg weight at 40 wks, and egg number at 40 wks (P>0.05). 丝羽乌骨鸡群体中;PRLR3和PRLR6位点变异对未曾发生过就巢的丝羽乌骨鸡产蛋性状(开产日龄、开产蛋重、40周龄蛋重和40周龄产蛋量)影响均不显著(P>0.;05)。
- Blake; Aristolochia chanpionii and Cymbopogon citrate, IIPC were 0.048, 0.141, 0.244, 0.295 respectively, the result of deterrent the egg laying of tabacco whitefly was above 70% . Blake、马兜铃Aristolochia chanpionii、香茅Cymbopogon citratus Stapf.;的IIPC值分别为0