- The shale of lower Aptian stage and Barremian stage of Lower Cretaceous is the effective source rock. 有效烃源岩为下白垩统阿普第阶下部和巴列姆阶;
- One is the microfracture which is formed in the source rock, the other is the fault which is created by tectonic movement and it combines the effective source ro... 只有排烃过程与聚烃过程协调一致,才能完成欠压实区内岩性油藏的幕式成藏过程。
- The episodic hydrocarbon - expulsion in the effective source rock and the episodic hydrocarbon - filling in the sandstone which are two processes relatively independent and connected with each other. 在欠压实区的某些特定范围内,岩性油藏的形成过程具有典型的幕式特征,有效烃源岩的幕式排烃和烃源岩区内砂岩体的幕式聚烃是两个相对独立但又彼此联系的过程。
- It is suggested that exploration direction of China marine sedimentary rock should be based on the paleo-uplifts and the reservoirs overlapping on effective source rocks. 提出海相油气勘探方向应以中新生代盆地覆盖区古隆起为主要目标,海相地层隆起区有效生储盖叠合发育区为次要目标。
- Considering the characteristic of sedimentary and embedding condition, the stratums don"t have the qualification to become effective source rocks. 考虑到其沉积特点和埋藏条件,这些地层基本不具备成为有效源岩的条件。
- Reconstructed paleotemperature will help to eliminate immature or overmature source rocks and to define the range of the effective source rocks further. 同时,通过古地温的恢复,剔除未成熟和过成熟的不具有生烃能力的烃源岩,进一步确定有效烃源岩的分布。
- In Kongquehe area of the Tarim Basin,the identification of the effective source rocks is carried out on the basis of the existence of the potential source rocks. 塔里木盆地孔雀河低勘探区有效烃源岩的识别是在潜在烃源岩的基础上进行的。
- Since long ago effective source rocks have been defined as rocks that have generated and discharged hydrocarbon and the discharged hydrocarbon can form commercial hydrocarbon reservoirs. 长期以来有效烃源岩的定义为已经生成和排出烃类,且所排出的烃类足以形成商业性油气藏的岩石。
- Potential source rocks in Cambrian and Ordovician that can have primary hydrocarbon generation possibility or secondary hydrocarbon generation potential are regarded as effective source rocks. 寒武系和奥陶系具有一次生烃可能或二次生烃潜力的潜在视为的效有烃源岩。
- effective source rock 有效烃源岩
- Fuxin basin has abundance natural gas and good gas source rock. 阜新盆地有较好的气源岩,天然气资源丰富。
- However for P supply, DAP was found superior source and rock phosphate tended to be equally effective source of P in acid laterite soil. 不过对于磷素供应来说,磷酸二铵是最好的来源,磷矿粉在酸性红壤土上同样有效。
- Effective source reservoir cap rock combination, and lateral blocking of mudstones are the main control factors of oil and gas accumulations in Darfur Group and Bentiu Formation. 有效的生、储、盖组合、泥岩的侧向封堵是Darfur群、Ben tiu组油藏最主要的控制因素
- Identification of Effective Source Rocks in the Tertiary Evaporate Facies in the Western Qaidam Basin 柴达木盆地西部第三系盐湖相有效生油岩的识别
- The dark mudstone deposited in this time is the favorable source rock. 同时,该层序内沉积的暗色泥岩也是有利的烃源岩。
- The effective reservoir of deep basin gas must have densified before the mass generation and expulsion of hydrocarbons from source rock, so do the “sweet points”. 深盆气的有效储集层必须在烃源岩大量生、排烃之前就致密化,“甜点”也应在烃源岩大量生、排烃之前形成。
- However, the hydrocarbon accumulation or reservoir formation requires some thickness of source rock. 但油气的聚集和油气藏的形成,对源岩厚度有一定要求。
- Major hydrocarbon source rocks are in the Cambrian and Ordovician. 寒武-奥陶系烃源岩是该区主力烃源岩;
- French geologists and geochemists have thoroughly documented another example of an effective source bed known to be quite old at the time of expulsion. 法国地质学家和地球化学家全面地研究了另一个排烃时间很古老的有效烃源岩的实例。
- The marine hydrocarbon source rock is generally carbonate rock of isolated platforms and interplatform troughs in the Baise basin. 摘要百色盆地海相烃源岩主要为孤立台地和台间海槽碳酸盐岩。