- effective picture area 有效图像面积
- All fighters and warships of pictures area in mod. 模组里所有的战机战舰图片资料区。
- When you use people for scale and foreground, make sure they look into the picture area. 当你使用人作为比例尺和前景,要保证他们朝画面里面看。
- Arrange other parts of the picture area in such a way as to complement what you choose to be the center of interest. 安排图片上的其它部分作为你选择的兴趣中心点的补充。
- effective diameter of picture area 有效画面直径
- Every designer of interior and exterior design of three-dimension space should master the technique of producing three-dimension space effect picture. 用电脑制作三维空间效果图,是每个设计室内外三维空间的设计师都需要掌握的专业技术。
- effective diameter of picture area diameter 有效画面直径
- Estradial saturability color in the picture area of 70%, in the Constitution of melancholyis saturability, that is, to increase. 以洋饱和量色彩在画背背积撤离70%25把握时,构不败洋饱和量基调,即洋调。
- Low-saturation of the color in the picture area of 70% or so, constitute a low saturability melancholyis, that is, laodelphax. 以矮饱和量色彩在画背背积撤离70%25把握时,构不败矮饱和量基调,即灰调。
- They knew the mammoth because they have left us strikingly effective pictures of that creature. 他们熟悉猛犸,因为他们留下的那种动物的画像令我们印象深刻。
- And today, composition continues as an important part of contemporary architecture. One definition for photographic composition is simple: the pleasing selection and arrangement of subjects within the picture area. 而且在今天,构成在当代建筑中继续担当着重要的角色。构图的一个简单定义是:图片中的要素令人愉悦的取舍和安排。
- A rectangular negative lens at the front shrinks the scene to match the picture area; a small positive lens at the back makes it easier for the photographer's eye to view this "minified" image. 一个前端的矩形的凹透镜把景象收缩成匹配于照片区域;一个后部的凸透镜使摄影者的眼睛易于观看这个"缩小"的图像。
- Lighting effect pictures produced by all partners are agglomerated and exquisitely printed out by the RICOH Color MFP. 凝聚各合作伙伴贡献的灯光设计效果图,精彩纷呈地由理光数码复合机输出。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Best Average Definition over the Picture Area 图像区域上的最佳平均清晰度
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- We will sign a contract with you, after mutual discussion &agreement. Detailed implementation design, rollout plan, as well as visual effect pictures will be prepared for your project. 双方协商,签订合同。公司会提供深化设计,和施工图。根据需要,我们也会提供相应的效果图。
- To put a picture on the folder, right-click the folder and click Properties. In the Properties dialog box, click the Customize tab. In the Folder pictures area, click Choose Picture. 要把一幅图片放进文件夹,你可以右击文件夹,然后点击“属性”。在“属性”对话框里,点击“自定义标签”。在文件夹图片区,点击“选择图片”。
- The irreplaceability of manual building effect picture 手绘建筑效果图的不可替代性
- Effect picture of Xi'an station of China F1 motorboat 1摩托艇中国站西安赛场效果图