- The effect laws of amount of undissolved ferrite has been gained. 得出了未溶铁素体含量的影响规律,弄清了未溶铁素体的作用机理。
- Should governments establish guidelines for objective, reasonable and effective laws? 政府是否应有一套客观、合理、可行的法规藉以规范?
- What we need is more effective laws to preserve the environment , which still allow the economy to grow. 我们需要的是更为有效的法律措施来保护环境,同时允许经济继续增长。
- We will maintain effective law enforcement,especially against corruption,and will maintain that no one,Chief Executive included,is above the law. 我们会继续严厉执法,特别是大力肃贪,以及贯彻人人均须守法(行政长官也不例外)的原则。
- Cycle Accumulation Cause and Effect Law and Sustainable Development of Agriculture in China. 循环积累因果原理与我国农业可持续发展。
- We will maintain effective law enforcement, especially against corruption, and will maintain that no one, Chief Executive included, is above the law. 我们会继续严厉执法,特别是大力肃贪,以及贯彻人人均须守法(行政长官也不例外)的原则。
- The effect laws of amount of undissolved ferrite has been gained.The mechanism of effect of undissolved ferrite has been made clear. 得出了未溶铁素体含量的影响规律,弄清了未溶铁素体的作用机理。
- To ensure that corruption will not prevail in the twenty-first century, effective law enforcement and international cooperation are essential in this endeavour. 为确保贪污不会在二十一世纪肆虐,有效执法及国际合作至为重要。
- Nonetheless, in case the draft were to be transformed into effective law, trading and privatization of land would be given a steep and unprecedented acceleration. 然而,一旦草案付诸实行,土地买卖与私有化的脚步不但可能加快,速度更会是前所未见。
- Conclusion: arrear of wages should be aroused the attention of authority concerned and some effective laws or regulations are to be staged to protect the interests of most employees. 总结:拖欠工资这个问题应受到相关当局的重视,一些有效的法律法规应该出台保护大多数员工的利益。
- Expanding on this theme, the Supreme Court has generally given primacy to the general public interest in effective law enforcement, and has refused to estop the government when it gives erroneous advice. 据此,法院驳回制造商的论点。 在扩大这一主题的基础上,最高法院在有效执法时通常给予公共利益以首要位置,并且在政府提供了错误咨询意见时,拒绝禁止政府翻供。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- A series of measures and steps have been taken by the international society to direct the MNC in this aspect, but unfortunately, there is no effective law to guide the MNC to adopt its social responsibility. 国际社会在规范跨国公司行为和承担社会责任方面采取了一系列步骤和措施,但所有措施都是建立在自愿基础上,至今尚未存在一个具有约束力的法典,因而对于跨国公司的社会责任需要国际协调来加以规范。
- Through the study of this paper, we hope to have general acquaintanceship of the second-order effect law of bent column, and check the effective length of bent column in the code for design of concrete structures. 通过本文的研究,我们希望能对排架柱的二阶效应规律有一个全面的认识,并对规范中现有排架柱计算长度取值起到一定的校核作用。
- The effecting law and action mechanism of retarders on hydration process of building gypsum, crystal morphology of dihydrate and pore structure have also been revealed. 揭示了缓凝剂对建筑石膏水化进程、晶体形貌和孔结构的影响规律和作用机制。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- In view of this, the executive linkage that highest courtyard decides to build to aim to make party consciousness effectively fulfill copy clerk of become effective law deters a mechanism. 鉴于此,最高院决定建立一套旨在有效促使当事人自觉履行生效法律文书的执行联动威慑机制。
- When does the new system become effective? 新制度何时生效?
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人们不做违法乱纪的事,其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑。
- Effective, punitive, or destructive action. 有效的行为有效的、惩罚的或破坏性的行为