- The Confucian educational thinking is obviously branded with post-modernism. 儒家教育思想有明显的后现代主义特征。
- As a famous educator and social activist, Wu Yi-fang's educational thinking is mainly conceptualized and theorized out of her educational practice. 摘要吴贻芳是我国著名的教育家和社会活动家,其教育思想是在教育实践中逐步形成并得以升华的。
- Developing students' non-intelligence factors, or advocating quality-oriented education, is a byword of current educational thinking. 培养学生的非智力因素,提倡素质教育,体现了当代的教育思想。
- His education thought is considered"live pedagogy". 其教育思想被认为是“活的教育学”。
- But some educators think year-round schooling especially helps students from poor families that lack educational support at home. 但一些教育工作者说整年教育对于一些学生有特效,这些学生家庭贫困,缺乏教育支持。
- Koran played a great role in Arabic history, laying the solid foundation of lslamic educational thought. 《古兰经》在阿拉伯历史上起过巨大的作用,它奠定了伊斯兰教育思想的基础。
- As Dewey"s student, Tao Xingzhi was influenced by Dewey, educationist of U.S.A., on the educational thought. 作为杜威的学生,陶行知在教育思想上受到了美国教育家杜威的影响。
- The education valuce concept is the crux of the education thought. 教育价值观问题是教育、育思想中的核心问题。
- New curriculum reflects brand-new education thought and idea. 新课程体现着全新的教育思想和理念。
- I need some time to orient my thinking. 我需要一些时间来使我的思想适应。
- Classical life-long education thought has simple and spontaneity. 古典终身教育思想具有朴素性和自发性。
- He Xi-ling's educational thought includs uprighting intentions, rectifying academy, and correcting style, which is rich in content and systematic. 摘要贺熙龄教育思想包括正心术、端学术、正文体等,内容丰富且具有系统性。
- After analysing Confucian educational thought and its significance for today, the author states the strong influence of Confucianism on the world. 作者在重点分析了孔子的教育思想及其现代意义之后,阐述了儒家文化在世界上的巨大影响。
- Educators think that the generation growing up with TV spends so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not have enough time to study. 教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。
- Educators think that the generation grown up with the TV set who spent so much time in front of the TV set that they have no enough time to study. 教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。
- The ancient Chinese educational thought is the precious resource we can use to rejuvenate Chinese civilization.It remains to be understood, carried forward in practice. 中国古代教育思想应当成为复兴中国文化的可资利用的宝贵的精神资源,有待在实践中予以理解、继承和弘扬。
- I couldn't persuade him to my way of thinking. 我没法说服他接受我的想法。
- I am thinking maybe we can go canoeing. 我在考虑也许我们可以去划独木舟。
- His unique experiences and long-term meditation endowed him with transcendental spiritualism and wisdom, which made his educational thought more clarifying and pure. 独特的生活经历和长期的“禅修”赋予克里希那穆提超凡的灵性与智慧,这使得他的教育思想也格外澄明和纯净。
- It often happens that thinking lags behind reality. 思想落后于现实的事是常有的。